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Bu bildiride, Türkiye’deki yirmi beş üniversitenin Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümleri örneklemiyle, Türk dili ve edebiyatı öğretim programlarını değerlendirmeye ve bu çerçevede bazı önerilerde bulunmaya çalışacağım. Bu üniversitelerden on dördü…
Author: BİLKAN, Ali Fuat

Özet Türk edebiyatında Balkan coğrafyası, edebî ve kültürel manada karşılıklı etkileşimlerin olduğu bir saha olmuştur. Osmanlı Devleti ve Balkan halkları arasındaki etkileşimin dil-edebiyat başlıklarıyla sınırlı kalmadığı, 11 ve 12. yüzyıllarda…
Author: Yolbir, Nesibe Ordu, Fatih

Nowadays when we say genetics there is a very popular type of sickness that comes in our minds, Cancer. There are Tumor cells which cause cancer. In this symposium I would like to introduce Protein 53 at chromosome 17 also known as Tumor…
Author: BALKAYA, Hasan Emin

Abstract: The author discusses the importance of the ECtHR ruling in the case Sejdić and Finci in terms of necessary constitutional amendments that will establish Bosnia and Herzegovina as a normal European democratic country, which is independent…
Author: Ribičić, Ciril

Ovim radom se želi ukazati na nastojanja da se prostoru i okruženju gdje živimo posveti dužna pažnja, jer u zavisnosti od našeg odnosa prema okolišu, je i odnos okoliša prema nama. Velike klimatske promjene, poplave, suše, požari, epidemije, svaki…
Author: POROBIĆ, Miralem AVDAGIĆ, Ajla

The purpose of this study is to review the historical background of grammar instruction in ESL/EFL to find out its present status, and to suggest how to approach grammar instruction. Language teaching methodologists have not presented consistent…
Author: Akbarov, Azamat

Key words: language learning and acquisiton, constructivism ABSTRACT Theories of language acquisition and learning show the differences and similarities in picking up mother tongue and second or foreign languages. As a result of differences in…
Author: REXHAJ, Xhavit SAQIPI, Blerim

Pharmaceutical drugs have contributed to people’s improved health and prolonged life for the last several decades. New drugs, hence, are believed to be beneficial. Standard textbook analysis suggests that new drugs to be launched in as many…
Author: CIVAN, Abdulkadir THANH NGUYEN, Mai Lan

With worldwide demand for energy increasing every day, the development of new, clean, renewable energy sources is critical to Earth's environment. To use clean-energy technology to help developing countries improve their quality of life and…
Author: ACIKGOZ, Caglayan BORAZAN, Alev A.

Abstract: The Republic of Macedonia has since its independence made great progress in terms of economic reform and social development; prompted often by the county’s aspiration to become part of the European Union. However, in spite of these…
Author: Rakipi, Remzije Syla, Shpressa
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