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  • Tags: L Education (General)

There are not too many sources about the historical events of the periods before the adoption of Islam of the Turks. Given the thousands years of the Turkish history, the fact that adequate written and archeological materials have not been left may…
Author: Mangaltepe, İsmail

Pred Vama se nalazi knjiga “Studije o betonu 2015-2016”. U sebi sadrži tri studije iz oblasti betona i betonskih konstrukcija iz naznačenog perioda. Namjera je da ovo bude samo prva knjiga iz serije studija o betonu i betonskim konstrukcijama, …
Author: Džidić, Sanin Okugić, Husein Bajramović, Emir

Bu tebliğde bireylerin ve toplumun dünyaya bakış açısını kültürünü inançlarını ve yaşam tarzını belirleyen ve sosyalleşmesini sağlayan eğitimin amacının ve sürekliliğinin önemi vurgulanacaktır. İnsanın karakterini, davranışlarını, başarılarını,…
Author: ÖZKEÇECİ, Şule Bilge

This study includes a general analysis of the “Social Service Applications” course, which became part of the curriculum of Education Faculties in 2006-2007 in Turkey within the context of sustainable development. A holistic perspective that takes…
Author: YAŞAR, M. Ruhat AYTAÇ, Ömer

TBL is an approach that makes the task the basic unit for planning and teaching. It contrasts with approaches that are centred around grammar because it involves the specification not of a sequence of language items, but of a sequence of…
Author: Turan, Sema

The purpose of this study is to tap the problems in the mixed ability classrooms, and comment on what the reactions of English teachers towards them should be. Having students who exhibit a wide range of English language ability in the same class…
Author: ÇEPIK, Şaban

Related literature indicates that teachers and tests are strong sources of test anxiety among adult language learners while there exists a serious lack of research on the relationship between teachers and test anxiety in terms of young…
Author: AYDIN, Selami Karakuzu, Melih ELKILIÇ, Gencer

Related literature indicates that teachers and tests are strong sources of test anxiety among adult language learners while there exists a serious lack of research on the relationship between teachers and test anxiety in terms of young learners.…
Author: AYDIN, Selami Karakuzu, Melih ELKILIÇ, Gencer

In this study it was aimed to analyze automatic thoughts of teachers from the aspect of variables of gender, marital status, institution they teach or work for, service period, status of receiving inservice training, the settlement they’ve taught…
Author: ALVER, Birol ADA, Şükrü DILEKMEN, Mücahit AKBABA, Sırrı

In this study it was aimed to analyze dysfunctional attitudes of teachers from the aspect of variables of gender, marital status, institution they teach or work for, service period, status of receiving inservice training, the settlement they’ve…
Author: DILEKMEN, Mücahit ADA, Şükrü ALVER, Birol KILIC, Durmuş
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