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Abstract: In the area of European contract law legal area most affected by the process of harmonization, and consequently the process of revision is the area of consumer protection. Because in the last few decades most intense legislative activity…
Author: Petrović, Anita

Autor u ovom radu raspravlja o zaštiti imovinskih prava i interesa djeteta, preispitujući pozitivnopravni okvir kojim se uređuju imovinskopravni odnosi između roditelja i djece, odnosno kojim se utvrđuju mehanizmi zaštite prava djeteta imovinske…
Author: RADIĆ, Darko

Following the earlier works of Booij (1985) and Nespor & Vogel (1986) I provide further evidence that English compounds are made up of prosodic words. The length of the first components must be preserved because they are identical to basic lexical…
Author: Rakić, Stanimir

Abstract: The author discusses the importance of the ECtHR ruling in the case Sejdić and Finci in terms of necessary constitutional amendments that will establish Bosnia and Herzegovina as a normal European democratic country, which is independent…
Author: Ribičić, Ciril

As a recent modern concept, ethical leadership inspires researchers in many ways. Relations between ethical leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors, though a new field of study, is a big mine that requires some digging. The so-called…
Author: SENYURT, Hatice DINÇ, Muhammet Sait

This study explores the effects of social networks on English progress in a UAE international English National Curriuclum (ENC) boarding school. The observed population consisted of a case study of 11 boarding students, three female and eight male,…
Author: Sabawi, Aimon Yildiz, Yasemin

The difference between modernism and postmodernism is difficult to make, but we take as a reference the hypotheses of well-known literary theorists and critics like Terry Eagleton, Pavao Pavliçiç, Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan,…
Author: Shabani, Emine

Abstract: The difference between estimated parameters of money supply and currency-deposit ratio is used to examine the behaviour of real deposits in Nigeria between 1960 and 2012. This is done using unrestricted error correction modelling within the…
Author: Shuaibu, Mohammed

Native speakers of Croatian often have problems with appropriate usage of English tenses that do not exist in Croatian, frequently associating past forms in English with perfective meanings in Croatian and non-past forms with imperfective meanings…
Author: Skelac, Ines Stanić, Ružica

The aim of the paper is to propose some simple ways of promoting linguistic and cultural diversity in a homogenous classroom made of students brought up in a bi-lingual environment and country. The ideas and suggestions come from the experiences of…
Author: Skenderi, Lindita Jerome, Carly Terese
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