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This paper analyzes the last decade evolution of the Management Consulting Industry in Albania. Consulting firms need to stay competitive through providing their expertise world-wide that is why many international firms have expanded in Albania,…
Author: PICI, Elena HOXHAJ, Jona

In today’s communication in schools, workplaces and communities has increased significantly being intermingled and involved with English language. Albanian and English languages have many phraseology units. They are formed by the transformation of…
Author: Gjergji, Shpresa

Albania being part of South East Europe is trying to meet the standards of European Union by stating a clear vision for 2020 growth strategy, which is similar to European Union’s “Europe 2020 Growth Strategy”. This strategy consists of economic…
Author: HYSA, Eglantina

Briefly, this research paper will demonstrate if the forecasts of Heckscher-Ohlin theory, that inequality increases in wealthy countries and decrease in developing countries, like Albania, as a result of increased trade, is true for our case. This…
Author: HODO, Mergleda

The last years in Greece second generation immigrants who study at Greek schools use Greek language fluently and in many cases they speak Greek in such a proficiency that are not recognizable as non-Greeks. Primarily this means that these …
Author: Gogas, Themistokles

Aşıklık/Zakirlik/Ozanlık, Alevi-Bektaşi inancında en önemli figürlerden biridir. Zakir, ibadetin yapıldığı Cem evinde, Hz Muhammed, Hz Ali ve Hacı Bektaşi Veli’nin temsilcisi konumunda Post’a oturur. Cem’i yöneten dedenin yanı başındadır. Cem’in…
Author: ÖZUYGUN, Ali Rıza Dinç, Mehmet

The term ‘alienation’ continues to be a central concept summarizing salient facets of life in contemporary societies in spite of the obscurities, even contradictions that encompass it. This phenomenon has acquired an important role in philosophy,…
Author: Toker , Alpaslan

Key words:Aliya İzzetbegoviç, War of Bosnia Herzegovina, Turkish Press, Yugoslavia, Discourse Analysis ABSTRACT Yugoslavya’nın dağılmasının ardından Bosna-Hersek’in bağımsızlığı ve yeniden inşası aşamasında Aliya İzzetbegoviç, önemli bir siyasi…
Author: OZAY, Secil

Sakinur Okuyan.docx
Almanya’da yaşayan Türk kökenli ailelerin 3. ve 4. kuşak yeni nesil çocuklarının çoğu ana dili Türkçede iletişim sorunları yaşamaktadır. Dil becerisini geliştiremeyen bireyler kendilerini o dilde iyi ifade edemedikleri için karşı tarafa da tam olarak…
Author: Sakinur Okuyan

Assessment and Evaluation are important teaching techniques .It has been touched upon by some practitioners, researchers and educators recently. It secures important place in ESL class. Although the teachers face number of challenges to modify…
Author: Ali, Shamim
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