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  • Tags: L Education (General)

At each academic somestry, by means of the questionnaries applied to the students, the effectiveness and quality of teaching-learning carried out high education are determined and it is determined that how efficient a lesson is taught. By means of…
Author: KAYA, M. Dursun AYIK, Y.Ziya HAŞILOĞLU, A.Samet KARCIOĞLU, Reşat

Türklerin metinlerle belgelenebilen tarihte kullandıkları ilk alfabe Köktürk işaretleridir. Köktürklerin Ötükendeki hâkimiyetleri sona erdikten sonra, Uygurlar döneminde farklı dinleri kabul eden Türk toplulukları tarafından Mani, Soğut, Uygur,…
Author: KARTALCIK, Vedat

Since the ultimate object of the assessment and the evaluation in foreign language is the communication competence, it remains custom to determine the parameters and the performance criteria of the foreign language users. However, the multiple…
Author: KARA, Seref Karakuzu, Melih

The use of games in teaching of foreign languages is that students learn the foreign languages easier, the students enjoy this method, they participate classes with love and willingly and the stuff that they learn seams to be much more permanent.…
Author: KARA, Mehmet

Article is devoted to an actual problem interaction – linguistics of the text and speech. In article one of pressing questions of modern linguistics – a problem of levels of speech and definion of units making it is analyzed. As levels of speech…

Osmanlı Türkçesi, Türk dili tarihinin yaklaşık 450-500 yıllık bir dönemini ihtiva etmektedir. İlim âleminde Osmanlıca da denilen bu devrede Arap harfli Türkçe metinler yazılmıştır. Osmanlıca tarih boyunca hiçbir zaman başka bir dil olmamıştır.…
Author: GÜMÜŞKILIÇ, Mehmet

Köprüler, insanları birbirine kavuşturan yapılardır. Bir kıyıdan diğer kıyıya uzanan köprülerin temel fonksiyonu, “birleştirmek”tir. Köprü, Balkanist söylemin bölgeye atfettiği en uygun metafor olarak kabul edilmiş, Balkanlar, sık sık Doğu ile…
Author: GÜLENDEN, Ramazan

The present research is an attempt to yield the collaborative thinking in higher education. How higher educational institutions can create a synergy was examined from the sustainable development perspective. Therefore, various cooperation and…
Author: GÖZÜ, Cüneyt HASAR, Uğur Cem AKTAN, Mehmet AKKAYA, Gökay

Classroom discourse and language assessment, and at this paper has been interest in Turkish as a lingua franca. As well as examining how language develops inside and outside the classroom, article is about commonly teacher education, knowledge and…
Author: Eroğlu, Mehmet A.
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