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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

Anlam insan için geçmiĢten gùnùmùze ônemli gôrùlmùĢtùr. Ġnsanoğlu için anlam sadece bu dùnya ile sınırlandırılmamıĢtır. Ġnsanlık kôkleriyle geçmiĢe hayalleriyle geleceğe bağlı yaĢamaktadır. Ġnsanın bedeni Ģekil, ruhu anlam olarak …
Author: ÇETİN, Mustafa Yiğit, Murat KARLI, Elçin

Karahanlı dônemiTùrkçesi‗ninve Ġslami Dônem Tùrk Edebiyatının temeleserlerinden KâĢgarlı Mahmut‘un Divan-ı Lùgat-it-Tùrk‘ù sadece bir sôzlùkdeğil; edebiyat ve dil tarihini aydınlatan, sôzùn etkili gùcùnù ve kullanımını gôsteren ansiklopedik bir…
Author: Çakır, Ramazan

‗‗Details, situations which I do not understand and cannot personally inspect, I would not for the world meddle with. Besides not one feeling on any subject, public or private, will I ever affect that I do not really experience.‘‘ (Smith, 2000)…
Author: Çeri, Mine Özge

Today, there are some difficulties in understanding the old rhetoric (belâgat) books by modern people. Today, although the basic rhetoric terms are known by the majority, the supporting terms used in the old rhetoric books to define these terms are…
Author: Özkan, Abdurrahman Orak, Kadriye Yılmaz Üzüm, Melike

Raising intercultural communicative competence has gained a central place in many considerations and discussions in the globalized world. The present paper therefore examines and analyses approaches to achieving intercultural competence proposed…
Author: Čebron, Neva

This paper looks into the nature, some specificities of interlanguage usage and the phonetic adaptation (or the lack of it) in the area of some recent French and German loanwords and their teaching in a Serbian EFL classroom. It is a commonplace to…
Author: Čubrović, Biljana

The presence of the Turks in the geography of Balkans can be track back to the centuries before Ottomans. The actual impact of the Turkish language and culture began with the start of Ottoman conquests. With the Ottoman conquest, there have been…
Author: İYİYOL, Fatih KESMECİ, Ahmet Musab

Bildiride Turk kùltùrùnù; tùrklerin ulusal ôzelliklerini, ayrıca, dùnyaya bakıĢ açısını, dini gôrùĢlerini, tefekkùr tarzını, psikolojisini, tarihini, inanclarını, ôrf ve adetlerini, mitoloji ve kosmoloji tasavvurlarını, yaĢam koĢullarını yansıtan…
Author: İsayeva, Günel

The national culture as an important essential element propitiouses for an existence nation. This culture gets its source from that national history language, religion , morality, art, traditions, briefly from own esence. Person names(…
Author: ŞENEL, Mustafa

The national culture as an important essential element propitiouses for an existence nation. This culture gets its source from that national history language, religion , morality, art, traditions, briefly from own esence. Person names(…
Author: ŞENEL, Mustafa
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