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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

Bu çalıĢmanın amacı; dilin anlam çerçevesinde yadsınamaz bir yeri olan çağrıĢımın, anlambilim içerisindeki yeri ve ônemini ortaya koyarak dili kullanan bireylerin kelimelerin farklı anlamlarını daha iyi kavramalarını, temel anlam dıĢındaki…
Author: Erden, Nazife Burcu

Ted Hughes in his essay “Poetry in the Making” states that poems are a “mysterious they” which present the reader with a special knowledge that “we are very curious to learn”. Poetry, in this respect, should continue its existence whether or not it…
Author: Gonel , Tuba Dayton, John

The paper explores the basic principles of the Ancient Greek curriculum as a theoretical-methodological seminar of the Language, Literature, and Culture program at University of Belgrade (Faculty of Philology). At the Department for Modern Greek…
Author: Jovanovic, Milena

One of the various purposes of the educational activities in schools is to develop and provide affective features of students. However, it is observed that affective domain is often neglected in the educational system practices (Reece and Walker,…
Author: Can Cap , Rabia Arı, Asım

Contemporary times are characterised by the processes of globalization, rapid production and fluctuation of diverse information and technological advances, especially in the media, and it is the young people, teenagers and primary school children who…
Author: Mikulec , Alenka Vuić, Božica

The aim of this paper is to determine conceptual and linguistic possibilities for transposition of Turkish words into English and their equivalents in Bosnian language in the novel “The Bridge over the Drina” by Ivo Andtic. The starting hypothesis…
Author: Mili, Sestic Azamat, Akbarov

In this paper, we will try to analyse and classify gerunds. Traditionally, the term gerund in Latin and European grammars is often synonymous with gerundive. In Slavic languages, the distinction is made between gerund (verbal adverb) and gerundive…
Author: Arnaut , Alica Solak , Edina

Bu araştırmanın amacı ilk ve ortaöğretim Türkçe derslerinde öğrencilerin konuşma, anlama, okuma ve yazma becerilerinin gelişimine verilen önemi belirlemektir. Bu amaçla ana dili türkçe öğretiminde dört temel becerinin gelişimi anketi hazırlanarak…
Author: Arslan, Mustafa ASFİYA, İrşadiye Şeyda ALİBAL, Ahmet

There are more intelligences than g-factor and those intelligences learn in different ways. Teaching language to those different intelligences needs different methods and activities. Howard Gardner introduced eight different intelligences and each…
Author: Celik, Suleyman

Recent studies have reached positive findings regarding the significant role of critical thinking pedagogy in learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). (See Davidson and Dunham, 1995; Erkaya, 2005; Correia, 2006; Yang, 2009; Chen, 2010; Li Li,…
Author: Haifa, Alnofaie
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