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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

Intending to talk about a study that aimed at studying the effect of Collaborative Strategic Reading(CSR) on EFL students’ reading performance. CSR is a teaching technique that was originally developed by Klingner and Vaughn and which aims at…
Author: Al Mashrafi, Said

The Hatt-ı Sherif of Gülhâne (Imperial Decree of the Rose Chamber) is the confirmation of the impact of Western influence in social and political realms to the Ottomans. The influence of French culture and literature on Turkish culture and literature…
Author: Sarıkaya, Orhan

The contemporary research in initial teacher education is oriented towards development of student - teacher teaching competences through the reflective approach and experiential learning. In 2008 in Croatia, in the context of changes in teacher…
Author: Mardesic, Sandra

Classroom quizzes come in many forms of practices. They are performed generally as a testing method or as a closure of a certain lesson. From the perspectives of many Malaysian students, a classroom quiz often involves a one way interaction from a…
Author: Bin Mohd Noor, Petani

Turkish is a language which is written as it is spoken. We have heard this sentence since primary school. But is it really true? Is Turkish really a language which is written as we speak? I think it is not exactly true. For example, we have one…
Author: Şan, Funda

Learning a foreign language has been the most important way of communities’ familiarizing and comprehending each other for ages. Nowadays, in our rapidly globalizing world as high level technological vehicles are making shorter distances, booming…
Author: İnan , Kayhan Yüceer , Duygu

Dodiri između dvije kulture oduvijek su ostavljali tragove i na jezike tih kultura. Ti tragovi nisu vidljivi samo na leksičkoj građi ili strukturi jezika, već se kulturni kontakt odražava i na samu uporabu jezika, način na koji on funkcionira u…
Author: Čović-Filipović, Alma

This presentation aims to describe dilemmas foreign language teachers have when facing inclusive education, their responsibilities in such classrooms, and possible steps taken to improve foreign language teaching under inclusion concept, with…
Author: Čirić-Delić, Esada

İnsan sosyal bir varlıktır. Tarih boyunca insanlık çeşitli nedenlerle birbirinden etkilenmiştir. Özellikle Avrupa’nın coğrafi keşifler sonrasında bazı sömürgeler elde etmesi, bilim ve teknolojideki gelişmeler, düşünce sistemlerine etki etmiştir. Önce…
Author: Özçoban , Mesut Çetin, Mustafa

Turkish teachers taught grammar subjects through dialogs for a long time. But they didn’t use the texts enough. But today this situation has changed and teachers have started to use original texts which we use in our daily life. So understanding the…
Author: Özçetin, Kübra Yeşil, Funda
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