Browse Items (503 total)

  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

The contemporary research in initial teacher education is oriented towards development of student - teacher teaching competences through the reflective approach and experiential learning. In 2008 in Croatia, in the context of changes in teacher…
Author: Mardesic, Sandra

Bildiride Turk kùltùrùnù; tùrklerin ulusal ôzelliklerini, ayrıca, dùnyaya bakıĢ açısını, dini gôrùĢlerini, tefekkùr tarzını, psikolojisini, tarihini, inanclarını, ôrf ve adetlerini, mitoloji ve kosmoloji tasavvurlarını, yaĢam koĢullarını yansıtan…
Author: İsayeva, Günel

Charles Dickens is a distinguished novelist and an influential figure in the Victorian period. In spite of that, some superficial observation and generalization is rife in critical commentaries about his novels. Such repeated assertions are not…
Author: ÇAKIR, Dr. Hasan

EFL teachers use different written corrective feedback strategies while dealing with error types. As Ellis (2009) points out, written CFs might be provided as direct, indirect, metalinguistic, focused, unfocused, electronic, or in reformulation. It…
Author: Akdogan, Mehmet

Dil, kültür ve coğrafya ilişkisi ilim dünyasında ele alınan ve güncelliğini yitirmeyen bir konudur. Özellikle Montesquieu, Braudel ve İbn-i Haldun gibi düşünürler, dilin ve kültürün doğrudan coğrafyayla ilişkili olduğunu ifade ederler. Sosyo-kültürel…
Author: Özder , Adem

Anlam insan için geçmiĢten gùnùmùze ônemli gôrùlmùĢtùr. Ġnsanoğlu için anlam sadece bu dùnya ile sınırlandırılmamıĢtır. Ġnsanlık kôkleriyle geçmiĢe hayalleriyle geleceğe bağlı yaĢamaktadır. Ġnsanın bedeni Ģekil, ruhu anlam olarak …
Author: ÇETİN, Mustafa Yiğit, Murat KARLI, Elçin

This paper deals with an analysis of media discourse on war. It is based on an extensive research of reporting of British and Montenegrin dailies on NATO airstrikes on Yugoslavia in 1999. The analysis was based on Teun Van Dijk’s theory on news…
Author: Lakić, Igor

Needless to say that from a linguistic point of view a clear and cut distinction between canonical and non-canonical expressions is to be made for language explanations but especially for translation analyses, due to the fact that a good number of…
Author: Oro Cabanas, José M.

The most important moment in child’s intellectual development is when speech and cognition begin to interact. The emergence of private speech, which would later become internalised, enables children to separate themselves from the immediate context,…
Author: Jeftic , Alma

Ali Kemal, Türk edebi ve siyasi hayatının en ilginç simalarından birisidir. 1867’de İstanbulda domuştur. Gerçek adı Ali Rıza olan Ali Kemal ilk eğitimine Hacı Kadın mektebinde oradan Kaptanpaşa Mekteb-i Rüşdiyyesi ve son sınıfa kadar Gülhane-i…
Author: Ay, Ferudun
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