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Summary: For normal growth and development of a child, particular, is cooperation of preschool institution (nursery, infant nursery) and family (parents). Better cooperation of these two institutions, the way of harmonization educational influence…
Author: Hasanovic, Zehra

Abstract: Database auditing is one of the biggest issues in data security. Absence of information auditing drives the business applications to the lost trail of business procedures. To cope with auditing and in order to track operations and the…
Author: Hodzic, Adnan Karadag, Adem

Abstract: Phishing is one among the luring strategies utilized by phishing artist in the aim of abusing the personal details of unsuspected clients. Phishing website is a counterfeit website with similar appearance, but changed destination. The …
Author: Hodzic, Adnan Kevric, Jasmin Karadag, Adem

Abstract: This paper begins with explanation of importance of the control management in organisations and how controlling aspect of organisations plays an important role in achieving organisational’s best interests and goals that are strategically…
Author: Huseinbasic, Lejla

Sažetak: Članak koji se nalazi pred nama opservira pitanje kriterijuma kojima su se rukovodili zakonodavci prilikom kreiranja zakonskih nasljednih redova u BiH. U tom smislu u radu smo analizirali dvije ključne činjenice, i to: srodstvo i (van)bračnu…
Author: Husejinspahić, Ajdin

Abstract: Smell certainly arouses emotions and memory. In marketing, however, scent is proven to be very effective in helping contrast one brand from another. It triggers a desire that strongly influences our buying behavior and purchase decision.…
Author: Imamovic, Irma

Abstract: This paper is focused on the importance and influence of the innovations in the time of the fourth industry revolution for the creation of value added in tourism industry. Innovative technology solutions solve problems in a tourist…
Author: Ivanovic, Slobodan Milojica, Vedran Roblek, Vasja

Abstract: Great number of population use air terminals consistently. This presents potential attraction for terrorism and different types of wrongdoing. Correspondingly, the high convergence of individuals on huge carriers, the potential high…
Author: Jasari, Amila

Author: Journal of Economic and Social Studies,

The fractal geometry is a relatively new research subject in theory of architecture, but its principles are in use for centuries. Among the witness are numerous architectural masterpieces around the world and various ornaments found in different…
Author: KARGIC, Lejla
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