Teaching Italian as a foreign language. The experience at the University of Banja Luka

Dublin Core


Teaching Italian as a foreign language. The experience at the University of Banja Luka


Capasso, Danilo


The aim of the present article is to show how to organize, from the structural and didactic point of view, the study of a foreign language (FL), in this case the Italian language at some different private, university and school institutions where the foreign language had not been taught before.What are the difficulties for teachers in ―making themselves accepted‖ by students, how to meet the needs of a student who wants to learn that specific FL, and what are the teaching methods allowing the student to learn according to his needs. As we will see, the teaching methods already in use to teach a FL very often do not match the ones of a new FL. This non-coincidence is not always a disadvantage, but it may become a challenge between method and learning, whose results do not only concern the learning of the FL, but they also offer a possible opening for the creation of a new ―forma mentis‖ as well as a more adaptable ―modus studiandi‖ for the student.


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