The Turkish Olimpics as a Practice of Communication Management

Dublin Core


The Turkish Olimpics as a Practice of Communication Management


YIGITBASI, Kubra Guran


Key words: Turkish language, Turkısh culture, different culture, communication management, discource. ABSTRACT Communication management is an strategic concept which needs to follow the right tactics and methods. When we think about the communication’s specific objectives “unmanaged communication” musn’t have effective results and musn’t reach the desired objectives. When we start to use communication management strategy primarily we have to fill up and determine target audience message for to show corporate/individual vision and mission, “why we are doing, what we are doing”, we have to respond these questions to the target audience. While transmitting the message should be considered the communication way have to be persuasive and used channel have to be right. In persuasive commucation, target is provide changes at individuals’ behaviours and attitudes. Of individuals to manage their communications, such as interstate communication needs to be managed in. Just as the corporations, countries have their own images. . Therefore, how to us "perceive" from other countries has carry great importance. Create the image, determine the agenda, to change the conjucture and create the perceptions in the desired way, media are important tool to used in. In communication management, to create a succesful image, communications' elements must be used in a holistic manner. An image which percieved from this way is provided to make an association in people's mind as desired. There are factors to be considered for the production of a successful image. These, prepare the simple theme or messages, these, must be more remarkable than competitors, strike the aware and must be spread from all communication channels. In Turkish Olimpics which organize since ten years for the increase the use and known of Turkish language. Beside the universalize it, this organization publicize Turkish culture, poems, folk dances, folk songs and participated students are have a chance to present their culture in Turkish at their countries booth. In our study, our goal is to examine the way of “Turkish Olimpics” as a communication management which brings to different cultures, different languages in a common point.




IBU Publishing


