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Writing is a pleasant and seminal task, but writing is used as multi-leveled teaching instruments, but instead difficulties, challenging and cognitively demanding. Writing requires different skills. Students can improve these skills with some…
Author: Pamukcu, Abdullah Salihovic, Dženan Akbarov, Azamat

Poverty is among the significant issues that the governments should tackle with. This problem has social and cultural dimensions as well as the economic dimension. From day to day, so many international and national bodies apply policies to cope…
Author: ÖZDEN, Kemal

This article focuses on the inter-organizational networks and adaptive capacity among nonprofit organizations in the State of Florida. Adaptive capacity is a function of the degree to which social institutions (e.g., government, civic…
Author: Kapucu, Naim Demiroz, Fatih

Native Arabic speaking students of the Gulf Middle East region are descendants of tribes and nomadic families which may be a possible reason why they are social constructivists when it comes to learning. Most prefer a learning environment in which…
Author: Mathew, Reena

Native Arabic speaking students of the Gulf Middle East region are descendants of tribes and nomadic families which may be a possible reason why they are social constructivists when it comes to learning. Most prefer a learning environment in which…
Author: Mathew, Reena

Designed to teach rhetorical reading and advanced academic writing, Freshman English II (ENG102) is a required course for all International University of Sarajevo (IUS) students, regardless of the program they are enrolled in. During this course,…
Author: Ervin, Kovacevic

This is the narrative of the fieldwork conducted by the Global Citizenship Studies Department at Seisen University. The fieldwork in the Native-Americans reservation was started in 2008 in Colville in the State of Washington. Since 2008, we have sent…
Author: Aikyo, Mikiko

Abstract: Significant efforts were taken in BiH in the adoption of legislation guarantying the rule of law and human rights. In the framework of this activity the Law on Freedom of Access to Information and the Law on Personal Data Protection were…
Author: Dzumhur, Jasminka

The effect of the second language on the first has been investigated in various domains and this effect can be visible in the lexicon even in the first few years. Thus, in order to understand whether a group or individuals undergo some changes in…
Author: Ilerten, Ferda

Mind colonization has been a burning issue in the last few
decades in the fields of science and humanities. It is argued that mind
colonization of the indigenous populations has been conducted via
education and language in the mission of…
Author: Adisa Ahmetspahić
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