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The objective of this study is to investigate the consumer ethnocentric tendency and consumer boycotts. Participiants who are consumers upper 18 age in 8 different cities of Turkey formed the sample for this study. For the emprical investigation…
Author: DERE, Hurşit Ertuğrul

Decision making under uncertainty is always trying to be explained by utility theory. And utility theory‘s roots rely on moral philosophy. Moral philosophy is concerning concepts about good and bad, right and wrong, virtue, justice, etc. It can be…
Author: DEMİRSOY, Sümeyye CAN, Mehmet

This paper gives an empirical analysis of determinants of firm survival in the manufacturing sector of Lakes Region (Turkey) from 2003 to 2009. The survival activities of the firms are measured through a four-dimensional, namely firm based,…
Author: DEMİRGİL, Hakan KARAÖZ, Murat GÖVDERE, Bekir CAN, Muhlis

Information can be considered just as an economic good, because it has a price in the market like every economic product and to produce and disperse it is costly. Also it allows individuals to make choices that yield higher expected payoffs or…
Author: DEMİRCİ, Nedret SANCAK, Ercan

Employee empowerment is frequently used by business academicians and managers on business activities. It refers to employees being more proactive and self-sufficient in assisting an organization to achieve its goals. The term became prominent as…
Author: DEMİRCİ, M. Kemal ERBAŞ, Ali

Property right is often referred to for defining political regimes. Therefore to study property right in the 1982 Constitution is crucial for analyzing the Turkish political structure. Property right in the 1982 Constitution stands within the…
Author: DEMİRCİ, Fatih

Table grapes is a second industry in viticulture in Turkey and have been grown in primarily Mediterranean region a popular fruit for local consumption and export to many European and Asian countries as a fresh dessert and for this reason this…
Author: DEMİR, Fikret KARA, Zeki CARMAN, Kazım

The paper analyses the role of such elements of human capital as performance and satisfaction of work for its further improvement. It is indicated that due to its complex nature human capital is a core element in many sides of development. Basic…
Author: DANCHEV, Alexi ILGÜN, Erkan

Release of colored wastewaters represents a major environmental problem worldwide due to the toxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of the dyes and their breakdown products. Therefore much attention has been focused on the effective treatment…
Author: Cırık, Kevser Çınar, Özer

Increase demand on water resources make ground waters essential due to the fact that surface waters don’t actually meet the water requirements for agricultural, industrial, recreational and drinking purposes. Provided that their quality and…
Author: Cırık, Kevser Çutay, Emine Gündoğan, Elif Gamze Kılıç, Arzu Çınar, Özer
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