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This paper revolves around the current brand identity of 5 existing higher education institutions in Sarajevo Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the fact that insufficient attention is paid to the issue. It reviews the existing actions of these…
Author: Damir, TOPALOVIĆ

Anahtar Kelimeler: Feminizm, kadın, kadın kimliği. ÖZET Okur merkezli kuramlar sınıflamasına giren Feminist eleştiri, psikanaliz, Marksizm, okuyucu olarak kadına yönelen eleştiri ve yazar olarak kadına yönelen Feminist eleştiri gibi açılımlarla…
Author: GÜLENDAM , Ramazan BİLDİRİCİ, Zübeyde

Abstract: Business Continuity Management (BCM) can be defined as a holistic management process (ISO 22301:2012) which means that interdependences and connections between all parts of process are very important. BCM is the best way for the…
Author: Durmo, Anelina

In the last two decades a dramatic shifts within the business community have been occurred. Globalization has offered business opportunities to companies around the world and has led to the development of a multitude of standards that govern…
Author: Dinç, Mehmet

Global business environment requires a new approach to needs analysis in business English courses for adult learners. With increasing demand for excellent business communicators from multinational corporations, language teachers, publishers and …
Author: Jendrych, Elzbieta

This study consists of two parts. In the first part, some knowledge related to the basic concepts of business ethics within the context of corporate social responsibility and information about the importance of business ethics for businesses will…
Author: SADIK ONCUL, Mehmet FILISOZ, Berrin BOLAYIR, Banu

Organizations today are in a great need in using some tools to sustain their existence. BI systems are used to facilitate all the important organizational processes and changes through the organizations in order to achieve their overall goals. …
Author: ÖZLEN, M. Kürşad

Management education is a specific part of management as a general The Study phenomenon of organized, institutionalized society. In social practice, on the modern level of development, there are in all known countries of the world…
Author: OBRALIĆ, Tarik

Tez Samir Karimov.docx

En önemli iletişim aracı olan dil, insanın yaratıldığı günden bu yana evrim geçirmekte ve toplumda meydana gelen tüm değişimlere canlı bir tanık olarak her şeyi hatırlamaktadır. Dilbilimcilerin araştırmalarına göre, nesnelerin…
Author: Samir karimov

Anahtar Kelimeler: Metinlerarasılık, Absürd Tiyatro, Samuel Beckett, Ferhan Şensoy, Cahit Atay. ÖZET Samuel Beckett, II. Dünya Savaşı’nın beraberinde getirdiği yıkımın insanlık üzerindeki olumsuz etkisinin dışa vurumu olarak kabul edilen absürd…
Author: ERGÜN, Nurtaç
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