Browse Items (3407 total)

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the level of SME banking development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH). By using a structured questionnaire, the authors discuss perceptions of the banking sector representatives in BH regarding SME…

Contemporary society requires from learners active participation and engagement in their educational process. In last three decades methods that include students’ cooperation and collaboration within group learning have been used increasingly in…
Author: SALIHAGIC, Selma

Bu araştırmanın amacı ilk ve ortaöğretim Türkçe derslerinde öğrencilerin konuşma, anlama, okuma ve yazma becerilerinin gelişimine verilen önemi belirlemektir. Bu amaçla ana dili türkçe öğretiminde dört temel becerinin gelişimi anketi hazırlanarak…
Author: Arslan, Mustafa ASFİYA, İrşadiye Şeyda ALİBAL, Ahmet

Anahtar Kelimeler: ozan, Anadolu aşıkları, türk kültürü, tarih, milli-menevi deyerler. ÖZET Ozan aşık medeniyetinin temeli islam dininin kabulünden önce aşılanmıştır. İslamiyetten önce de, sonra da türk milletinin sesi olan ozan aşıklarının…
Author: HACIYEVA, Marife

Anahtar Kelimeler: Tedavi, telkin, tıbbi folklor, gelenek, alternatif tıp. ÖZET Geleneksel tıbbi uygulamalar, yüzyıllarca insanlığa hizmet etmiştir. Modern tıpla birlikte gelişen tedavi imkânlarının çokluğu, geleneksel tedavileri yok edememiştir.…
Author: TATAROĞLU, Elif Tuba

The article uses AHP weighted TOPSIS multi-methodological approach in the Turkish domestic aviation industry. It starts by describing exceedingly complex nature of competition in the sector. Then, it deals with the constituent parts of the research…
Author: ZAİM, Halil ŞANAL, Mehmet TORLAK, Nuri Gökhan ZAİM, Selim

In this paper, we will try to analyse and classify gerunds. Traditionally, the term gerund in Latin and European grammars is often synonymous with gerundive. In Slavic languages, the distinction is made between gerund (verbal adverb) and gerundive…
Author: Arnaut , Alica Solak , Edina

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene is 21 kb long gene that is located on chromosome 17q23. Protein coded by this gene, ACE enzyme causes conversion of inactive angiotensin I to active angiotensin II that presents key component of Renin…
Author: Buljubašić, Sanida

Since the collapse of socialism, Balkan countries have been changing as social, economic and politic structure. Some former socialist countries (Bulgaria, Slovenia and Romania) and Greece became full member of EU. Some Balkan countries (Serbia, …
Author: ÇELEBİOĞLU, Fatih

Since the early ages of history, individuals have sought life satisfaction and considered it as a life goal. Because of this fact, the term life satisfaction has kept its importance in time and has been the focus of many studies. Life satisfaction…
Author: Ali Riza , Aktas
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