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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

Turkish and Turcoman are two of the Oghuz group Turkic languages. While Turcoman forms the east section in itself, Turkish is one of the Turkic languages that form the west part with Azerbaijani and Gagauz language. In this work, mistakes made by…
Author: KAÇALİN, Mustafa S. BOZKURT, Elife

There is no uncertainty about the popularity of the Ottoman Turk in Early Modern Drama. This study will discuss the biased representations of and allusions made to the Ottoman Turk in several early modern plays, the whole of which exceeds 40 in …
Author: Esen, M. Fatih Karakuzu, Melih

In the project of the EU reform of general education in Bosnia, very important place in the profile of the reformed schools definitely take teaching methods aimed at children. Motivating activities, dramatic teaching and feedback can have very…
Author: Obralić, Nudžejma

In Turkey, foreign language teacher candidates, registered at a faculty of education, have compulsory teaching experience courses which are conducted under the guidance and supervision of mentors- namely the practicing school teachers and faculty…
Author: PEKKANLI, Ilknur

Ljudi kao društvena bića skloni su uspostavljanju i razvoju međusobne komunikacije putem koje mijenjaju iskustva, znanja i naučna dostignuća gradeći i usavršavajući tako svoje kulture i civilizacije. Pozitivna komunikacija se može tumačiti i…
Author: Muamer, Memisevic Hacer, Memisevic

It is believed by many that our fingerprints are as unique as our DNA. Owing to the advances in modern technology and the aid of computers, it is possible to use software that is able to measure all the probabilities of occurrence of identical…
Author: Kalajdžisalihović, Nejla

During the project “Development of Communicative Competence in the Early Croatian Language Discourse” (2006-2011), a research on the mastering of Croatian as a second language was carried out among the children of Croatian emigrants to Germany.…
Author: Aladrovic Slovacek, Katarina

Two important issues regarding the selection and preparation of TV news for language learning are: the content of the news and the linguistic difficulty. Content is described as being specialized or universal. Universal contexts are likely to be…
Author: Bahrani, Taher Sim, Tam Shu

The paper deals with the conditions influencing the emergence of mass culture in Japan in the interwar period. It describes the spread of mass media, statescript reform, appearance of the enbon and specifics of big publishing companies. Special…
Author: Marković, Ljiljana Jović Djalović, Marina

It is widely believed that learning second language at all educational levels, especially at the university level, can be made more successful with the Managements' Support Informational Technology (IT) Usage While Learning Second Language. IT usage…
Author: CICKUSIC, Emir OBRALIĆ, Merdžana
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