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  • Tags: PE English

Bu çalışma Türkiye’deki sayı ve etkinlik itibariyle mikro olarak tanımlanabilecek dinsel cemaatlerin, çokkültürlü yurttaşlık bağlamında, ülke üzerindeki hegemonik söylem karşısında sahip olduğu imkan ve sınırlılıkları inceleme amacıyla…
Author: Ali Minarli, Mustafa Emre Minarli, Salih

The article is a brief information presenting a new view on the “doctrine of situationism” in the linguistics aspects and an attempt to introduce a new concept and define it as it is, in our opinion, a basic, fundamental, essential in the process of…
Author: Albekov, Nurvadi

Being raised a consequence of common dissatisfaction with the limitations of the concept of method, post method pedagogy has introduced three parameters of particularity, practicality and possibility principles to be replaced with the limited…
Author: Alavinia, Parviz Enayati, Bayez

The present study was designed to investigate if there is a significant difference among SR clustering, SU clustering and TR clustering of vocabulary presented to Turkish EFL learners, and if there is, which way of presentation would be a more useful…
Author: Aksoy, Fatma

The aim of the research is to find out frames of body parts through the perception of English idioms with body part components by native speakers of Turkish learning English. The study is mainly based on the assumptions of the theory of frames by…
Author: Abdramanova, Saule

Recent research in SLA has indicated that grammar teaching has an important role both in foreign and second language learning. However, it should be noted that this revival should not mean a return to traditional approach to grammar instruction…
Author: ASLAN, Alper

This paper examines the connections between folk heritage and literary creation, between folk religion and writing. How have writers named or recognized folk tradition in relation to their own writing? At what point does the writer act as a conjurer…
Author: ALIHODZIC, Demir

Language, culture and identity are essentially connected. But, it often happens that in foreign language classrooms teachers give little attention to the identity of the student. A student enters the classroom with his own identity and culture. When…
Author: A. Dumitrašković, Tatjana

When people speak, they usually accompany their speech with movements of hands and arms. It is believed that some of these hand movements (gesture) exhibit a meaning which is related to the verbal message. Although the nature of the relationship…
Author: A. Attelisi, Abdulhameed

The concept of the ‘other’ is an inherent part of understanding one’s identity, since people define their roles through their relations toward ‘others’. Generally speaking, the ‘other’ is everyone who is detached and different from one’s self or…
Author: Petrović-Tomanić, Olivera
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