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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

Dodiri između dvije kulture oduvijek su ostavljali tragove i na jezike tih kultura. Ti tragovi nisu vidljivi samo na leksičkoj građi ili strukturi jezika, već se kulturni kontakt odražava i na samu uporabu jezika, način na koji on funkcionira u…
Author: Čović-Filipović, Alma

This paper focuses on some pronunciation errors found in Croatian students of the Graduate Programme of Primary Education in Combination with the Study of the English language at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb. Despite the…
Author: Kovacevic, Kristina Cergol Carevic, Ivana

The present paper attempts to offer a comparative study between Eugene O‘Neill‘s drama Desire under the Elms and Diplomatul, tãbãcarul Ģi actriţa (The Consul, the Tanner, and the Actress) by Carol Ardeleanu. I will undertake to compare two stories…
Author: Duban, Adriana Carina

The paper analyses the concept of pride in English and Bosnian idioms through the application of cognitive theory: the theory of conceptual metaphor and metonymy. The first part of the paper presents some of the major traditional theories on idioms,…
Author: Music, Jasmina Mustafic, Almir

Television may be a useful L2 resource particularly in an English as a foreign language (EFL) context because it provides authentic L2 input in an environment with limited L2 input. Research has shown that L2 learners can incidentally learn L2…
Author: Dankic, Izabela

The contemporary market demand implies that the institutions training English teachers need to equip them with the knowledge of teaching approaches and techniques to be used in compulsory and non – compulsory educational settings with the learner…
Author: Kovačević, Ervin

This paper discusses the impact of certain sufistic ideas on one of Doris Lessing‘s celebrated novels: The Memoirs of a Survivor. This novel is the example that shall be analyzed as Lessing's markedly Sufistic novel in order to show the…
Author: Kiaei, Shahram

In many of his novels Paul Auster uses characteristic postmodern narrative strategies in order to tell their stories, introduce the characters and depict the atmosphere. The two novels that are the central topic of this paper, "Man in the Dark" …
Author: Kovačević, Darko

This paper is aimed to discuss corrective feedback in oral reading skills. It mainly focuses on the role of transitions and conjunctions in texts and questions the conditions of efficacy of corrective feedback for the development of reading skill…
Author: Ayhan, Ülkü Arikan, Muhammed Akbarov, Azamat

The aim of the paper is to analyze polysemy of Adjectives used in the domains of TASTE and TOUCH in English and Bosnian. Like most linguistic expressions belonging to primary sense perceptions, these Adjectives are highly polysemous. Although…
Author: Imamovic , Adisa Delibegović-Džanić, NIhada
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