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Da bi država mogla biti predstavljena u međunarodnoj zajednici ona mora biti međunarodno priznata. U većini država operacionalizaciju vanjskih poslova vodi resor za vanjske poslove, tj. ministarstvo vanjskih poslova. Uloga tog ministarstva je da daje…
Author: ĐELMO, Zenaid

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Autor u radu razmatra ugovore o javnim nabavkama, postupak njihovog zaključivanja i uspoređuje ih sa upravnim i građanskopravnim ugovorima, kao i njihovo postojanje u pravnom poretku Bosne i Hercegovine. U pogledu upravnih ugovora i njihovog mjesta u…
Author: Mirsad Čizmić

U lingvistici se pod pojmom lažni prijatelji podrazumjevaju riječi ili grafemi u dva jezika ili dijalekta, koji izgledaju ili zvuče isto (ili slično), ali imaju različito značenje. Lažni prijatelji predstavljaju veliki problem ljudima koji tek…
Author: Albano, Maria Teresa

Institutional (in) ability of the Dayton agreement to integrate conflicting national community politically and ideologically in a democratic community, caused different and often conflicting opinions on "the spirit of Dayton" and the consequences of…
Author: HODŽIĆ, Kadrija HASANOVIĆ, Izudin

Key words: native and non-native teachers, EFL, students' perceptions, teaching and assessment ABSTRACT The fact that English is becoming a world language has led researchers to think about English teaching environments. The concept of native and…

This research deals with the English Language students' errors while using subject-verb agreement. The research is carried out to suggest some solutions to the problems that students of second year at the college of Education face in using…
Author: AHMED, Ibrahim Ali

This paper describes a small-scale study of newly enrolled university students regarding their views of nontraditional strategies of assessment in foreign language teaching. Taking into account the importance of attitudes to student motivation for…
Author: Josifovic Elezovic, Sanja

There is the widespread recognition of the importance of intellectual capital (IC) as a major source of competitive advantage for any organisation operating in today‘s knowledge economy (KE). In particular, universities are recognised as being…
Author: HANDZIC, Meliha ÖZTÜRK, Elif

A closer examination of history reveals that humanity has been undergoing a constant development, particularly after the discovery of writing, numerals and zero. Alvin Toffler in his book ―The Third Wave‖, describes three great revolutions that…
Author: ALABAY, M. Nurettin KAHRAMAN, Yavuz

Integrated marketing communication has been widely accepted by businesses around the world. This is a marketing communications system that allows organizations to beter manage their brand images. Integrated marketing communication strategies are…
Author: Omer , Kursad Tufekci
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