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  • Tags: K Law (General)

Author: Centar za društvena istraživanja, Internacionalni Burč univerzitet

Koncept sigurnosne zajednice, iako već dugo korišten u “zapadnoj” akademskoj teoriji i praksi, nedovoljno je poznat bosanskohercegovačkoj znanstvenoj i političkoj javnosti. Ovaj članak ima ambiciju da, stavljajući pojam sigurnosne zajednice u…
Author: DAUTOVIĆ, Kenan

Daytonski Ustav BiH, konstruiran da zaustavi rat, postao je ključni razlog onemogućavanja bržeg i stabilnog razvoja zemlje. Favorizovanjem nacionalnih kolektiviteta bitno se udaljio od savremenih demokratskih standarda. Pokušaji međunarodne…
Author: TRNKA, Kasim

Die Verfassungsbeschwerde hat eine überragende Bedeutung für die deutsche Rechtsordnung und das deutsche Rechtsverständnis. Zu verdanken ist dies nicht zuletzt der sehr „grundrechtsfreundlichen“ Haltung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, die in vielen…
Author: KARABULUT, Engin

Analiza procjene ključnih aktera je pionirska analiza koja donosi determinante povjerenja građana o akterima koji su zaduženi za borbu protiv organizovanog kriminala kao i akterima koji doprinose organizovanom kriminalu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Analiza…
Author: KRŽALIĆ, Armin HADŽOVIĆ, Denis

The aim of this paper is to present consumer protection in Croatia with special emphasis on distance and off-premises contracts. The focus in this paper is on a rather narrow, but extremely important field of consumer protection. Namely, it depicts…
Author: Petrašević, Tunjica Poretti, Paula

According to Constitution of B&H, as well as constitutions of entities and cantons, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a state of human rights in full capacity. International instruments which guarantee a wide range of human rights and freedoms are integral…
Author: Begić, Zlatan Razić, Selma

The right to a remedy and remedies are of fundamental importance for any society. This paper examines selected issues relating to remedies in comparative criminal law: evolution, definition, types and specifics of the remedies in certain legal…
Author: Muharemović Orić, Nejra

Abstract: Significant efforts were taken in BiH in the adoption of legislation guarantying the rule of law and human rights. In the framework of this activity the Law on Freedom of Access to Information and the Law on Personal Data Protection were…
Author: Dzumhur, Jasminka

The task of state authorities is to enable, within its competencies, full and effective implementation of the principle of the rule of law, and to allow all individuals to participate in process of creation and achievement of human rights and…
Author: Omerdić, Dženeta
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