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  • Tags: PE English

A modal verb is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to indicate modality. The modal auxiliary verbs express a variety of moods or attitudes of the speaker towards the meaning expressed by the main or lexical verb in a clause. Many modal verbs have…
Author: Ivanovska, Lela

There have been many researchers (Holmes, Brown and Levinson, Olshtain, Blum-Kulka, House, Kasper) who have devoted themselves to the analysis of one of the basic units of human linguistic communication - the act of apologizing. An apology, as argued…
Author: Ilić, Jelena

Relationships with others, in this modern globalized world, command respective challenges in communication and bring closely everyone into connection with people of other languages and cultures. The latter make people require exchanging cognitive…
Author: II Medzogo, Sylvain

Teaching grammar of a foreign language has always been a matter of controversy. One of the most prominent, yet unsettled issue is whether grammar should be taught explicitly or implicitly. To that end, the study aims to investigate relation between…
Author: Hrnjak Hamidović, Kimeta

The construction of meaning in humor research falls within the cognitive group of operations present in everyday human life and occurring at a lightning speed invisible to the conscious human mind. The topic of this paper is, hereby,…
Author: Hot, Irma

Ovaj rad ispituje konceptualnu metafgoru „LJUDI SU ŽIVOTINJE“ u poeziji Muhameda Elezovića, ne tako poznatog pjesmika iz Bosne, ali usko povezanog s datom temom. Kroz teorijski okvir koji su postavili Lejkof i Džonson (1980) poznat kao Kognitivna…
Author: Hodžić, Jasmin

Bosnian language lexis is characterised by a number of loanwords, whereby words of eastern origin, i.e. words from Turkish, Arabic or Persian, occupy a prominent place, not only in number but also in terms of language, style and other…
Author: Haverić, Đenita Šehović, Amela

This paper presents the project ‘Technology-Enhanced English Language Learning’ which was made to meet the requirements for completion of the course ‘Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web’ within the E-Teacher Scholarship Program…
Author: Habul-Šabanović, Izela

Building contacts with people is not always a rewarding experience that may lower one’s self esteem leading to anxiety. This anxiety results in communication apprehension which McCroskey (1984) defined as the individual's level of anxiety associated…
Author: H. Malonzo, Edgar

The present study aims at evaluating learners’ self-perceptions on the outcomes of language acquisition course implemented at the ELT department of Trakya University. In order to evaluate the language acquisition course, learners’ expected outcomes…
Author: Güvendir, Emre ASLAN, Alper
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