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Corporate governance is the system by which business corporations are directed and controlled. This concept is getting more attention in the recent years after many corporation scandals and financial crises. But it has many benefits to companies…
Author: KARAYEL, Mete SAYLI, Halil GÖRMÜS, Alparslan Sahin

The purpose of this paper is to present the state of corporate governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to determine the degree of its principle applications, and to emphasize the importance of good corporate governance practices for transition…
Author: Aida , Nušinović

During the process of putting together the program for an American and two European Corporate University Summits, we have gathered dozens of opinions from industry practitioners. Based on our own research and on some industry leading magazines…
Author: BARACSKAI, Zoltan SZOBOSZLAI, Viktoria

Governments have reduced the corporate tax rate to attract foreign capital in the process of globalization especially after the 1980s. Additionally, they have taken some measures supportively such as tax incentives and tax exemption for this goal.…
Author: AYSU, Ahmet DOKMEN, Gökhan

Key words: Explicit correction, recast, prompt, acquisition, Italian language, techniques of correction ABSTRACT Focusing on three types of corrective feedback strategies in the acquisition of Italian language as L2, namely explicit corrections,…
Author: CAPASSO, Danilo

The role of error correction or corrective feedback has been studied and emphasized since the beginning of language learning. The term largely relates to the four skills of language such as reading, writing, speaking and writing. This article will…
Author: Akay, Ceylani Akbarov, Azamat

Old methodology did not pay a lot of attention to the students' needs, interests and value orientation. The reason for that was the fact that the teaching strategies considered a teacher-centred methodology. Nowadays, it is becoming more and more…
Author: Obralic, Nudzejma Obralic, Hanifa

Key words: L2 Chinese, Disyllablic Words, Perception, L1 Swedish ABSTRACT Many tests have been performed in order to find out how adult learners perceive the tones of Standard Chinese and also how they manage to produce them. The conclusions are…
Author: HU, Guohua

Alarming data about the number of young people who abuse drugs and drug clearly indicate the topicality of studying this subject. There is more meaning to this topic and also is socially important because the youth is the pillar of any society.…
Author: KARIŠIK, Fatima

Fundamental analysis is regarded as one of the key tools in evaluating securities by examining intrinsic value of the business, trough primarily the analysis of its financial statements. Although in the short run, various factors might influence…
Author: DŽANIĆ, Enis
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