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Nowadays we are witnessing a substantial growth in the number of radio stations, as well as a simultaneous decline in the quality of the hosts’ speech, particularly its fluency. Whereas people may be quite tolerant of various hesitations in everyday…
Author: Zovko Dinković, Irena Banić, Maja

  Following corporate scandals including those effecting Enron, Tyco, and WorldCom, the implications of corporate governance principles have played a critical role in determining the success of the companies around the world. Turkish Capital Market…
Author: ABDIOGLU, Nida KILIC, Recep

Except the area of the production of the game, gamification refers that basic elements and concepts are used in the process of game design and development. Business processes, which may sound boring, may become more enjoyable by the help of…
Author: ADIGUZEL, Orhan BATUR, Kimet Zejnep OZKAN, Dondu Sonmez ERDOGAN, Adeviye Eksili, Nisa

The career development of individuals is a long and complex process. In this process, an individual may be affected by many factors. An individual's social environment, psycho-physical dynamics, and factors such as the economic and cultural structure…
Author: ADIGUZEL, Orhan BATUR, Kimet Zejnep OZKAN, Dondu Sonmez ERDOGAN, Adeviye Eksili, Nisa

Quality is the result of the integration and coordination of a series of activities in several interrelated subjects: metrology, standardization, testing, accreditation, and certification. The state is obliged to regulate aspects related to the valid…
Author: AGANOVIĆ, Alma

Quality is the result of the integration and coordination of a series of activities in several interrelated subjects: metrology, standardization, testing, accreditation, and certification. The state is obliged to regulate aspects related to the valid…
Author: AGANOVIĆ, Alma

XBRL (extensible Business Reporting Language) is a freely available, digital data encoding language and global standard for exchanging business information electronically between financial data producers and users. The purpose of XBRL is to…
Author: AGIRMAN, Ensar SERCEMELI, Murat OZCAN, Muhammet

Entrepreneurship is linked with value creation and, as such, is thought to have a significant impact on economic growth, continuous business renewal, and employment (Tang and Koveos, 2004). Therefore, entrepreneurship has a great importance in…
Author: AGIRMAN, Ulke Hilal NAKTIYOK, Atilhan TUYSUZ, Seda

International Standards on Auditing have changed quite a lot over the last decade. These standards are today not only more clarified, and more understandable, but also more helpful and more useful by both the auditors and users of financial…
Author: AGJELI, Greta KUCI, Kriton

This paper examines fundamental elements of competitive advantage in the wood industry. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate core factors that affect the sustainable competitive advantage in the wood industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In…
Author: AHMETASEVIĆ, Jasminka ILGUN, Erkan
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