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On some financial markets commercial bank loan capacity is largely dependent upon foreign funding, which is quite expensive, and it diminishes liquidity of the overall economy and hinders the development of the country's flagging economy. Based on…

―Language Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language- natural communication- in which speakers are concern not with the form of their utterances but with messages they are conveying and understanding.‖ Stephen Krashen. …
Author: Metwalli, Wafaa Abdel Aziz

This paper aimed to explore in the light of author’s experience how communicative approach improves young learner’s classroom participation, social interaction,understanding and use of prepositions. Communicative approach focuses on authentic and…
Author: Koken, Elif Akbarov, Azamat

Key words: Teaching Style, Compulsory Adult Education ABSTRACT The contemporary universities across the world offer programs run in a foreign language; the courses are planned, delivered, and assessed in the language that has to be mastered by the…
Author: KOVACEVIC, Ervin

Aquaponic is the combined culture of fish and plants in recirculation systems, has become increasingly popular. Nutrients, which are excreted directly by the fish or generated by the microbial breakdown of organic wastes, are absorbed by plants…
Author: Turkmen, Gurel Guner, Yusuf

Built between 1981 and 1987, the Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA), or the Arab World Institute, is representing the museum for Arabian art. This building is an “evidence“ or a try of translation of ancient Arab culture into a more modern and…
Author: HUJDUR, Zedina

Key Words: Ottoman Education System, Madrasas, Arabic Language Education, Teaching Methods, Arabic Grammar Books. ABSTRACT In this study, from the foundation of the Ottoman Empire prior to the reign of Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror, the methods…
Author: BETUL, Can

Pozajmene rijeçi: Azbuka, arapsko, albanska, tursko, pismo, prerodba, skola, obraozovanje. SAŽETAK Redjep Voka je jedan od najznaçajnijih prerodbenjaka,koji je dao veliki doprinos albankoj azbuci u XIX veku. Albansku azbuka prerodbenjaka,Redzepa…
Author: KADRIU, Zeqir IDRIZI, Xhemaludin

Bu kitap, Üniversitelerde eğitim gören lisans ve lisansüstü öğrencilerinin araştırma metotları ile ilgili kaynak ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmasına yardımcı olmak amacı ile hazırlanmıştır. Üzerinde durulan konular mümkün olduğunca basit bir anlatım…
Author: Huseyin, Padem GÖKSU, Ali KONAKLI, Zafer

Bu kitap, Üniversitelerde eğitim gören lisans ve lisansüstü öğrencilerinin araştırma metotları ile ilgili kaynak ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmasına yardımcı olmak amacı ile hazırlanmıştır. Üzerinde durulan konular mümkün olduğunca basit bir anlatım dili…
Author: PADEM, Hüseyin GÖKSU, Ali KONAKLI, Zafer
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