Women Empowerment; Compression between Albania and Kosovo

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Women Empowerment; Compression between Albania and Kosovo


PICI, Elena


This paper examines in details the increscent of woman empowerment in developing countries by referring to two examples in Balkan states, which are states with low integration and growth, Albania and Kosovo. These states are working toward elimination of gender inequality and woman empowerment in state institutions, by putting targets of participation percentage of women in parliament, governments and even in lower positions. Still women continuously face difficulties and obstacles towards their full participation in public life in developing countries. Albania as a post communism country has a higher percentage of people with higher education than Kosovo, which also indicates that women are also more integrated into society. But Kosovo on the other side as a post war country with a very high presence of international influence has put a very strict law and obligatory implementation of women participation in all institutions and decision making bodies. Kosovo is striving hard to be the leader for this issue in region, but individual success of some women in Kosovo does not mean that the culture of equality is reflected in all population. Situation of women empowerment is widely spread in both countries and is considered a big vision for these states toward improvement and further development. Especially very careful analyses were done to put the light on the situation in rural areas, where women are not aware of their rights and are not informed about the justice, freedom and other essential human rights they possess and also what is being done to change this situation those parts of the countries. Lastly, after examination of each countries standing position for protection of the dignity by women themselves, and empowerment in social life, a compression between them will be made based on the current situation and women participation in key political, economical and social positions in these countries. Keywords: Women empowerment, Albania, Kosovo, Key positions, Education, Woman Participation.




ISSN 2303-4564


International Burch University





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