Contributions of Diatopic Hermeneutics for Intercultural Education

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Contributions of Diatopic Hermeneutics for Intercultural Education


Reste, Carmen Domingues
Ança, Maria Helena


The article intends to present data from the exploratory research of an ongoing doctoral project on reciprocal social representations between national and foreign students32. This research and intervention project is being developed by the LEIP (Laboratory of Research in Education in Portuguese / Line 2), coordinated by Maria Helena Ançã, University of Aveiro. Qualitative data collection occurred between January and April 2011 and its main goal was to approach the internal complexity of foreign students in Portuguese Schools, in order to identify reflection points for an intervention project in the future. We understand that there is a co-existing linguistic and cultural diversity amongst students, which does not seem valued and at times is even considered adverse, and could potentially encourage mutual interaction and enrichment. These observations lead us to advocate an intervention project based on intercultural dialogue and diatopic hermeneutics as a strategy for dialogue.


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