Alternative Assessment for Exceptional Potential Model

Dublin Core


Alternative Assessment for Exceptional Potential Model


Ali, Shamim


Assessment and Evaluation are important teaching techniques .It has been touched upon by some practitioners, researchers and educators recently. It secures important place in ESL class. Although the teachers face number of challenges to modify their teaching methods of assessment otherwise to introduce and develop new approaches is not an easy task. It has long term benefits for both teachers and students the current study is a combination of different research methods carried out in language class with the aim of illuminating language learners’ perspectives and reflections on assessment and to create exceptional potential model of competency. Portfolios are the most important aspect of the alternative assessment. It is a great academic tool. Portfolio-based assessment examines various pieces of writing. Which have been written over time under different conditions ,sometimes in the form of essay ,articles ,and letter writing rather than a single essay written in the final exam with the constraint of time . In order to increase the credibility and validity of the results, the data was collected through different sources including the in-depth semi-structured interview protocols, observations, and survey. The results significantly indicated that students found this method more challenging, vibrant, and motivating than the conventional and routine assessment method. The findings also showed that alternative assessment method also enhanced academic excellence as well as their autonomy, self-confidence and critical language awareness. The majority of the ESL learners endorsed the employment of alternative assessment in their class .These learners started performing, creating or producing good piece of writing with the help of self assessment and peers assessment as far as measuring the outcomes. At the same time it is good for those ESL teachers who are dedicated to creating meaningful, adaptable. And effective assessment experiences for ESL learners


Conference or Workshop Item


