Desuggestopedia – Mozart vs. Britten

Dublin Core


Desuggestopedia – Mozart vs. Britten


STAJN, Radmila Paunovic


Key words: desuggestopedia, first and second concert, music, non-native teacher, acquisition, activation of subconscious potentials ABSTRACT Should a humanistic approach to teaching be adopted, Suggestopedia as a method has to be taken into consideration, even more so in teaching foreign language when numerous motivational barriers may prevent learners from acquisition. Created by Georgi Lozanov and supported by Stevick the method was renamed Desuggestopedia, which means that it involves unloading the memory banks, or reserves of unwanted or blocking memories. This is achieved by creating classroom/environmental setting, relaxed atmosphere and especially stimulating students’ mental reserves through integration of fine arts. The effect of music on mental processes has long been recognized. In music therapy, it helps to facilitate the establishment and maintenance of personal relations, bring about increased self-esteem, energize and bring order using the unique potential of rhythm. This last function of music is especially emphasized in this method. According to promoters of Desuggestopedia, classical music is widely used in the presentation of linguistic material. Most often, the employed pieces are by Mozart, sometimes Beethoven or other famous Western European composers. This paper deals with the choice of music that might be used, suggesting that the priority should be given to authentic composers. This approach to the selection of music material would also fit into the target culture that is being studied. The problem of ‘first concert’ and ‘second concert’ techniques when performed by a non-native teacher is especially discussed. In the context of BBC English (RP), these techniques may result in incorrect interpretation and comprehension of intonation - a significant feature of spoken language. Bearing in mind the fact that the selection of music material requires the establishment of criteria for selection, the teacher should be aware of the semantics of music and its effect on limbic system which might help the students’ acquisition and activation of subconscious potentials.




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