Gender as a Predictor of Learning Styles among Iranian Male/Female EFL Learners

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Gender as a Predictor of Learning Styles among Iranian Male/Female EFL Learners


RAHIMI, Masoumeh


Key words:Gender, Learning styles, VAK typology ABSTRACT According to VAK typology in learning styles, some learners are visual, some auditory, and the others kinesthetic. Knowing this fundamental point in teaching process is very useful both for foreign language Learners and teachers to improve their learning and teaching and make the lessons more successful for themselves and also for curriculum. This study takes in consideration the differences of individual learning style between Iranian EFL male and female Learners. To this end, the practical part of this study deals with the identification of VAK typology in two particular groups: 30 males in one group and 30 females in another at Zabansara English Language Institute in Bushehr, Iran. Nearly all the participants belonged to the age group of 13-16. They were chosen randomly and all learning English at intermediate levels. One research instrument was utilized to gather the needed data for this study: VAK learning styles test was given to two groups of males and females. Correlation Coefficient was used to analyze the collected data. The findings indicated that there are more visual females than males but more auditory and kinestethic males than females. Taking account the results of differences between males and females, teachers and learners can benefit from such relationships.




IBU Publishing


