Use of Literary Texts in Language Classrooms: A Fun Way of Teaching English

Dublin Core


Use of Literary Texts in Language Classrooms: A Fun Way of Teaching English


KIRCA, Hasan Serkan


Key words: motivation, literature, language teaching ABSTRACT Use of literary texts in language classrooms has long been a concern for researchers. Underlying rationale for the use of different genres of literature lies in the fact that they familiarize language learners with different uses of the target language through authentic materials. Furthermore, literary texts provide a student-friendly atmosphere which is conducive to meaningful and entertaining learning. Language learning is considered to be a demanding endavour for language learners. Included in the challenges associated with language learning are affective variables. However, literary texts, while exposing the learners to the imaginary and calming world of literature, help learners cope with anxiety or stress which might be exerted and witnessed in the process of language learning. Along with the aforementioned advantages, literary texts promote higher level of thinking skills such as synthesizing, analyzing and critical thinking.among language learners. The first part of the presentation will be devoted to the rationale for using literary texts in the language classrooms with an emphasis on their potential benefits. In the second part, the presenter will provide information on a number of literary genres which can be employed in language classrooms. The presenter will end up the session with an exemplary demonstration as to how short stories ,as a literary genre, can be utilized in language classrooms. The last part of the presentation will be interactive through the participation of the audience.




IBU Publishing


