Developing Communicative Competence of ESL Leearners through Task-based Language Teaching

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Developing Communicative Competence of ESL Leearners through Task-based Language Teaching


KADEL, Purna Bahadur


Key words: Nurtured, experiential, transitional, interactional, paramount, authentic, panacea, communicative competence. ABSTRACT Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) has been developed as an effective language teaching method since Candlin and Murphy’s seminar collection of papers in 1987 (Ellis, 2009) and Prabhu’s Communicational language teaching Project in Bangalore from 1979 to 1984. Since inception of TBLT, it has emphasized meaning focused rather than form focused learning. It is assumed that learners’ natural Language learning ability can be nurtured through meaning focused with appropriate context and authentic tasks. Every learner can share their personal experiences and opinions through active learning in task-based language teaching (Nunan, 2004). Moreover, TBLT is more specific on communicative tasks through which learners are enabled to develop their transitional as well as interactional skills. In TBLT, tasks are regarded as units or modules which are believed to link between the learners’ real world and classroom world through pedagogy. Collaborative learning is adopted in task-based language learning teaching approach to enhance their communicative competence. TBLT is based on Socio-Cultural Theory (SCT) of Vygotsky in which learners need to interact with their peers, and teachers in order to solve problems and to develop cognition. Constructivists argue that language learning is related to society. Language learning process starts from interpersonal to intrapersonal Vygotsky (1978). Learners can easily communicate in real world situation if they are taught through authentic tasks in TBLT. Holistic learning is approach is followed by the language teachers to develop language skills and linguistic competence of learners in task-based language teaching. It is paramount importance to develop communicative competence of second language learners. The learners can develop communicative competence through holistic activity Samuda & Bygate, 2008). Thus, task-based language teaching can be panacea to develop communicative competence for ESL learners.




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