Intercultural Communication and Language in the Context of Halo Effect - Turks in France-Alsace Region

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Intercultural Communication and Language in the Context of Halo Effect - Turks in France-Alsace Region




The halo effect as a psychology term, occupies an important place in interpersonal communication. It defines the one’s judgement by the first impression to be permanent or to influence the following judgements. Migration of Turkish workers into France started at around 1970’s. Workers who sought a role in a new society after migration, struggled for integration with the society. But some issues that were faced during integration process revealed the reality that integration was not a unilateral fact. The perception of first group of workers by French society in the beginning influenced the judgments in the following years. However, tenacity of Turkish workers during their struggle for existence in business and social life occasionally caused some negative cases. Experiences about conserving the cultural identity and usage of mother tongue caused some changes on the process of turning into a new society in the 2000s by the help of developing technology. Now, a new process arose which doesn’t speak about integration but protects the culture and identity as a member of the society they live in and demolishes, more or less, the prejudicies about first generation created by the society. Turks in Alzas region of France protected their cultural identity and mother tongue by watching television broadcast from Turkey and strengthening their relation with Turkey and Turkish language. Educational successes scored by the third generation young Turks started to weaken the impression of previous generations as workers only working and earning money. This change has led them to be acknowledged in the society as educated individuals. As sensitive individuals about culture and identity issues, they helped to create “all different all equal” perception by their communication with the society. In our research, we are going to analyse the evolution process of Turks in Alzas region of France, whose adventure starts being a worker, in accordance with intercultural communication, identity and native language terms




IBU Publishing


