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  • Tags: H Social Sciences (General)

Product placement has become an important promotional mix element in recent years in Turkey. Since audiences are skeptical towards commercials, advertisers have begun to turn to a variety of alternative advertising channels in order to reach…
Author: Mehmet, Özer Demir

Concern over the issue of compatibility between democracy and Islam has been the focus of worldwide debate. After the fall of communist regimes worldwide, both democracy and Islam began a revival and expansion period. Can these two modes of…
Author: BOJAXHIU, Anjeza

Since 1989, the year of the fall of the Berlin wall, ended the division of the world into two camps and at the same time marked the end of the communist system and the onset of capitalism. The word “capitalism” is often heard in modern time and…
Author: DUÇI, Ejona

It has an up most importance of the construction technician students to have professional information as well as to have an ability to cope with the people and the foundations necessary. In this study the importance of the case study has been…
Author: Uğur, Latif Onur Bekem, İlknur


The paper discusses the dynamic relationship between trading volume and security returns across the selected stock markets from the South Eastern European (SEE) region. The research on the issue of return-volume relationship stresses out a common…
Author: OKIČIĆ, Jasmina ,

This paper explores the economic reforms undertaken by Ukraine and their impact on the Ukrainian civil society. How Ukraine managed its economy after the epochal change of the USSR disintegration, the repercussions it had on society and what…
Author: ELMAZAJ, Erind OZCAN, Salih

Waste management process is the collection, transportation and processing of waste materials. Generally waste management is done by local government institutions and it needs cooperation between these institutions and the entire population. Waste…
Author: SALAVAÇI, Marsela OZCAN, Salih

There are different ways to acquire knowledge in the present educational system. This system aims to improve student’s research abilities, and is not concerned on the place where the knowledge is acquired, but the way it is acquired. This present…
Author: KARAKUS, Neslihan KARAYAZI, Nurgül

Trafficking in minors for sexual and labor exploitation, and, mostly for organs transplantation has grown globally over the last few years. The profits of child trafficking generate billions of dollars. Various researches have acknowledged child…
Author: ALHASANI, Mirela GERDECI, Alba
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