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One on the main objectives of Croatian elementary school language teaching is to develop „respect towards the language of the Croatian people, its literature and culture“. (Elementary school curriculum, 2006, 25). It originates the tasks of…
Author: Turza-Bogdan, Tamara

Croatia, as well as many western-economy based countries, is expecting longterm negative demographic trends when it comes to young and elderly ratio or natural increase ratio. Social policy objective in the context of pension system is supposed to…
Author: LUBURIĆ, Goran ZAVIŠIĆ, Senka

The acquisition process of the target language is characterized by the complexity of linguistic rules in learner’s L1 and linguistic purposes of that particular language. This process accomplishes a system called interlanguage (Selinker, 1972). In…
Author: Rugo, Maria Ordulj, Antonia

In an increasingly multi-territorialized and interdependent world, where technology plays an important role through many mass media services, people are getting more in touch with one another than ever before. This provides the possibility to…
Author: Moutinho, Ricardo Carlos Paes de Almeida Filho, Jose

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a multiethnic and multicultural community which has traditionally displayed deep sensitivity to the need for appreciation, promotion, learning, connecting, and preservation of the different cultures. The aim of the paper…
Author: Softić, Mejra

With the arrival of English and Dutch ships, European culture began to flow in Japan from the first years of the 17th century through other means respect to those already established by the Iberian mercantilism and the Catholic missionarism. Since…
Author: Giovanni, Borriello

Key words: topoi, argumentation, discourse analysis, Austrio-Hungarian monarchy, Bosnia and Herzegovina ABSTRACT Intercultural competence has become very prominent after the occurrence of the EU and globalization in general. However, one should not…

Mainly, the paper will show how a Christian virtue of mercy is perverted. The play The Merchant of Venice is a criticism of the hypocritical betrayal of Christianity’s original concepts. The original ideas have been betrayed. What used to be a…
Author: Simović, Zlata

Keywords:Tilapia, reproduction, aquaculture, aquaponics. ABSTRACT In order to close the food gap resulting from population growth, cheaper and more quality producible species gain importance in the world. Since tilapia has a lot of positive…
Author: GUNER, Yusuf HEKIMOGLU, Muge Aliye AKCAN, Gulcin YAVUZ, Sirma GULEC, Fatih

In this presentation, I introduce approaches and materials that I have developed with university students studying English as a foreign language in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, to focus on cultural diversity and regional identity. Okinawa is the…
Author: Higgins, Janet M.D.
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