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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

Koskemnieni‘s two-level model has received a lot attention in modeling morphology. In this paper we present an ongoing study on a comprehensive two-level description of Kazakh morphology. Our description is implemented using the morphological…
Author: Zafer, Harun Rešit Tilki, Birol Kurt, Atakan Kara, Mehmet

In this paper we present a two level description of Tatar Language. Tatar is a Turkic language and the official language of Tataristan. It is spoken by millions of people mostly in the world. We describe the Tatar orthography using two level rules…
Author: Gökgöz, Ercan Kurt, Atakan Kulamshaev, Kalmamat Kara, Mehmet

Idioms are groups of words in a proper order that have a specific meaning bearing difference from the meanings and connotations of each word understood on its own. They are crucial elements of a language and it is difficult to imagine a language…
Author: Huyuk, Nazife Akbarov, Azamat

Mehmed Ali Celebi who wrote by using the pesudonym “Rizayi” is one of the poets of 17th century. He has both works written in prose and one “müretteb dewan”. It is stated that first 15 couplets of 15. number qasida in that dewan was unread before. …
Author: Yapici, Sefika Gonel, Huseyin

By providing quantitative data from the modified EFL version of Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) completed by the ELT undergraduate level students in one of the Turkish Universities, the survey was aimed to obtain generalizable…
Author: HAN, Turgay EFE, Hüseyin BARIN, Muzaffer

Misr International University (MIU) is a private Egyptian university whose medium of instruction is English. It consists of 8 faculties, one of which is Faculty of Alsun (languages), English Department. During the 4 years of study at Alsun, students…
Author: Mohamed, Maha Fathi

This paper describes a small-scale study of newly enrolled university students regarding their views of nontraditional strategies of assessment in foreign language teaching. Taking into account the importance of attitudes to student motivation for…
Author: Josifovic Elezovic, Sanja

U lingvistici se pod pojmom lažni prijatelji podrazumjevaju riječi ili grafemi u dva jezika ili dijalekta, koji izgledaju ili zvuče isto (ili slično), ali imaju različito značenje. Lažni prijatelji predstavljaju veliki problem ljudima koji tek…
Author: Albano, Maria Teresa

This paper discusses the use of corpus linguistics sources, in particular, the Collins Worldbanks Online Corpus in terms of its characteristics and possibilities for linguistic analyses, which may significantly improve the process of teaching English…
Author: Okicic, Melisa

With the improvement of technology, many young people regard themselves as non-readers because they would rather engage in getting information from other forms of media such as the Internet, television, advertising, music, movies, video games and…
Author: ÖZÇINAR-SIREL, Nazan
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