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  • Tags: H Social Sciences (General)

Today’s security threats are more complex than traditional ones, such as HIV, climate change, human rights violations, anti-democratic laws and measures forced us to think about the definition and the context of security again. With the effect of…
Author: Selim, Kanat

Sustainability means a lot more than just the economic, environmental, and social challenges an organization faces in its everyday and future operations: it means the ethics in these operations, touching on all the lives of those in the…
Author: Serpil, Senal

Despite medical technologies developed for diagnosis and treatment, medical care still depends on effective communication between the patient and the doctor that the doctor and the patient exchange information amongst. Effective patient–doctor…
Author: Sezgin, Irmak

In 1970s and 1980s the concept of sustainability developed as a process of protection for the elements that social, economic and eceological systems need. During the Environment and Development Summit held in 1992, decisions were made about the…
Author: Toksari , Murat

Associating the terms, knowledge, innovation and learning, with development is not a new process. The innovation as the primary source of competitive advantage in capitalist economies had been postulated firstly in Marx and Schumpeter’s ideas. But…
Author: Ulu, Emriye

The purpose of this paper is to monitor how the destination image of Alanya is perceived by tourists as well as by local people and to examine the relationship of the findings with the principles of sustainable tourism. Alanya is one of the most…
Author: Unguren, Engin

Salmonid culture is a production sector with widespread throughout the world. Different stocks of rainbow trout spawn in certain months of the year in hatcheries. This seasonality of spawning imposes considerable constraints on trout farming…
Author: Yusuf , Güner

The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of psychological violence (mobbing) on the mood of students attending colleges and on how the mood affects their traits. In this context, the effect of the violence level as psychological impact on…
Author: Zeki , Akinci

It was seen in the last decade that traditional management system and models cannot meet the needs of today. Crisis and scandals have proved the need for a more transparent and participatory structure. Governance met this need for a certain period…
Author: ÇiFTÇi, Münire

Organizations today are in a great need in using some tools to sustain their existence. BI systems are used to facilitate all the important organizational processes and changes through the organizations in order to achieve their overall goals. …
Author: ÖZLEN, M. Kürşad
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