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  • Tags: H Social Sciences (General)

The recent crisis that was taking the stage in the 2008/2009 pioneered in developed countries (US and UK) after the failure and merging of numerous financial institutions, bailout of banks, and downturns in stock markets, but soon occupied most…
Author: MAHMUTOVIC, Zehra ERGÜN, Uğur

An efficient performance appraisal system has great importance for the enterprises challenging in complex environments to achieve success. Performance indicators are used to evaluate, control and develop the processes for the enterprises to achieve…
Author: IYIBILDIREN, Mustafa NALCIN, Kemal

Social networks are used as tools for building links to business websites which opens many possibilities for entrepreneurs and people engaged in business. Due to the widespread personal use of social networks today, it is forcing organizations and…
Author: SOFTIC, Sumeja

Education is a very important investment decision motivated by the fact that it will yield ongoing long term income. This income otherwise is called wage, which refers to regular payment gained by working. There are a lot of factors that define the…
Author: PODO, Jerina

Integration of the Western Balkans in the European Union is one of the major challenges in the policies of this Union. There are different reasons for this situation. European countries look with distrust coexistence of peoples of the Balkan under…
Author: SENJA, Loren

Abstract: This paper begins with explanation of importance of the control management in organisations and how controlling aspect of organisations plays an important role in achieving organisational’s best interests and goals that are strategically…
Author: Huseinbasic, Lejla

The Balkan region has experienced in the past a lot of tragedies caused by nationalism. Beginning with the Greek revolution, in the first part of the 19th century and onward all Balkan countries have experienced the rising of nationalism in the…
Author: KUCI, Kriton

Intermediary firms are authorized by the Board of Capital Markets to do capital market operations on the behalf of the investors in the capital markets. Brokerage firms provide services to the investors and are joint-stock companies. These…

This study seeks to produce a critical approach regarding the compatibility of Dayton system for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU accession in the framework of a new perspective for the future of Bosnia. Nowadays, EU accession became the most important…

Tourism is one of the key sectors in the regional economic growth and development. Especially countries, which have coastal areas, historical places and famous cultural events -like Olympics, Carnivals, Film Festivals etc.- experience high tourism…
Author: TÜRKCAN, Burcu
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