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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

Karahanlı dônemiTùrkçesi‗ninve Ġslami Dônem Tùrk Edebiyatının temeleserlerinden KâĢgarlı Mahmut‘un Divan-ı Lùgat-it-Tùrk‘ù sadece bir sôzlùkdeğil; edebiyat ve dil tarihini aydınlatan, sôzùn etkili gùcùnù ve kullanımını gôsteren ansiklopedik bir…
Author: Çakır, Ramazan

Postmodernism has had its influences on different literary genres such as fiction, drama, and poetry. Truly, fiction has been the center of attention in many critical studies. But the manifestations of the movement can also be traced in poetry.…
Author: Rahimi, Masoumeh

SMS poruke su postale jedan od najdominantnijih sredstava komunikacije u Ħitavom svijetu. Za lingviste predstavljaju poseban jeziĦki ―varijetet― sa specifiĦnim pravilnostima u razliĦitim vidovima jeziĦke upotrebe. Kroz kratki istorijat o nastanku …
Author: Albano, Maria Teresa

In this paper I will discuss two constructions of the Japanese verb aru ‘be’. In one construction, aru occurs with a copular complement marked by the particle de, obtaining a sentence-ending pattern known as N-dearu. In the other construction, aru…
Author: dalla Chiesa, Simone

The aim of this paper is to present the main issues of learning the Romanian language as a foreign language among Serbian students of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad. It is the intention of the authors to detect and discuss the…
Author: Ursulesku-Milicic, Rodika Spariosu, Laura Janjic, Ivana

Globalizacija danas zahtjeva primjenu sve učinkovitijih jezičnih tehnologija i alata u postupku podučavanja jezika, prevođenja ili pak svakodnevne komunikacije. Ovdje uporaba rječnika, bilo to tiskanih ili online, igra važnu ulogu. U Bosni i…
Author: Hedzic, Lara Hedzic, Benjamin

This paper will present a study of culture-bound terms in simultaneous interpreting of trainee simultaneous interpreters by using a combination of Newmark's (1988), Vinay’s (qtd. in Klaić, 1992) and Ivir's (1998) grids of different procedures for…
Author: Vančura, Alma Omazić, Marija

One of the biggest problems that arrises as a barrier to teaching Romance Philology at the BCS-speaking students is the lack of relevant literature in the languages of BCS or its difficult access. In this paper we investigate the manual “Introduction…
Author: KneZeviC, Martina

Since the advent of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), plenty of controversial issues have been raised in the academic circles all over the world. As we know, one controversial aspects of ESP domain deals with the significant role of the teacher…
Author: Rajabi, Peyman Kiany, Gholam Reza Maftoon, Parviz

Irak, Suudi Arabistan, Kanada ve Ġran‘dan sonra ispatlanmıĢ 115 milyar varilin ùzerinde petrol rezerviyle dùnyada dôrdùncù sırada yer almaktadır. Tùrkiye‘nin Gùneydoğu komĢusu olan Irak‘ın kuzeyinde çoğunluğu Kùrtlerden oluĢan Kùrt Bôlgesel…
Author: POLAT, Zeynel DİNÇ, Ahmet
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