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The aim of this paper is to explore the stylistic authenticity of Dark on the Lit Paths, a short story written by Ivan Goran Kovačić, within the context of theory of stylistic devices. The short story abounds in expressive lyrical descriptions which…
Author: Barišić, Ana Tereza

The great influence that the Chinese writing system has had on the Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese writing systems is widely demonstrated. Nevertheless, besides the use of the characters directly imported from China, these cultures have had the…
Author: Borriello, Giovanni

In this article I tried give a comparative view between two great novel writers, who belong to different nations, cultures and periods, Ernest Hemingway and Ismail Kadare. Both of them are the greatest representatives of their own national…
Author: Doko, Fatbardha

Living in a world that has become a 'global village' makes different nations seem very similar - we dress in a very similar way, we listen to the similar music, we sometimes even use the same words. But how similar are we when it comes to…
Author: Grabar, Ivana Kostina, Ekatarina Kolednjak, Marijana

This study has been carried out to investigate the attitudes of students and writing teachers towards the performance-based portfolio. In the study, both qualitative and quantitative research methods have been used. Within the process of qualitative…
Author: Güvenç, Sera

Antonymy is traditionally regarded as a paradigmatic relation, but recent studies of antonym co–occurrence in written discourse have shown that it can be investigated as a syntagmatic relation as well. Such investigations in the Untagged electronic…
Author: Kostić, Nataša

Many empirical researches on Gender and language have been conducted by numerous sociolinguists in order of finding out the relationship between them. These differences between women’s and men’s language consisted in terms of phonology, lexis,…
Author: Kryeziu, Lendita

This essay describes a semiotic analysis exercise designed to enhance students’ cultural and critical literacy, a skill necessary for language comprehension, pragmatics, and proficiency (Liton and Madanat). Rather than observing and comparing…
Author: Kucukalic, Lejla

I will be examining central aspects of English clause structure from the standpoint of Cognitive Grammar (CG). Though well known and extensively studied, these phenomena have eluded definitive treatment; they still have much to tell us. Indeed,…
Author: Langacker W., Ronald

In creating textbooks and course books for foreign language education, the starting point is the goal of learning the language – language acquisition either on the level of communication skills for specific purposes (business or daily), or as part of…
Author: Petrovska, Lesya Dugandžić, Ana
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