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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

Farsça Hind-Avrupa dillerin Hind-Iran grubunda yer alan Iran dillerinden birdir ve öbür Hind-Avrupa dilleri gibi çekimli dillerdendir. Farsça'da sıifat, adları niteleyen, nasıl olduklarını gösteren veya ceşitli yönlerden belirten sözlerdir. Farsçada…
Author: Hacer, Memisevic

This presentation reports the results of a small pilot study that tests the second language acquisition (SLA) of features associated with a functional category: the accusative clitic in accusative clitic doubling constructions, as in (1). The second…
Author: Mona-Luiza , Ungureanu

Theodosakos in The Director in the Classroom: How Filmmaking Inspires Learning argues that filmmaking ―enables students to explore any curriculum subject through the active process of making a film about it‖ (p. 30). Furthermore, while Simkins…
Author: Mansur, Visam

This presentation aims to describe dilemmas foreign language teachers have when facing inclusive education, their responsibilities in such classrooms, and possible steps taken to improve foreign language teaching under inclusion concept, with…
Author: Čirić-Delić, Esada

During a research period in Japan I had the opportunity to follow a number of students learning the Italian language, both from Universities and private contexts. According to an anthropologic interpretation, meetings between cultures is based on …
Author: Demont, Beatrice

The epic song (históriás ének) is the most prevalent and representative expression of the Hungarian poetry of the 16th century, and it was intended to be recited with musical accompaniment. During the second half of the century these epic songs…
Author: Papp, Judit

In the communicative model of language teaching, we should help our students develop authentic practice for real-life communication situations. The main objective of this session is to introduce a series of innovative and creative classroom…
Author: Zeydan, Sultan

Language departments of most universities have a purpose in offering a reading course to freshmen. Students need to get prepared for heavy academic reading load, and learn how to tackle with texts of different lengths and genres. Reading, …
Author: Bosnak, Azize

ġarl Verne (Charles Verney), 19. Yùzyılda, Fransa‘da yaĢamıĢtır. Kùltùrlù bir aile ortamında yetiĢen Verne, divânında belirttiği ùzere, kısa bir sùre içinde Latince, Ġtalyanca, Ġspanyolca, Ġngilizce, Almanca, Yunanca, Arapça, Farsça ve Tùrkçe…
Author: Durmaz, Setter

The aim of the present study is to determine the foreign language teacher candidates‘ evaluation relating to the elective Computer Assisted Language Teaching course which was conducted for four semesters between the academic years of 2007-2010 at…
Author: Kartal, Erdogan
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