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  • Tags: P Philology. Linguistics

Eğitim, insanlığın var oluĢundan bu yana en bùyùk tekâmùl vasıtası olması yônùyle kadın erkek tùm fertlerin ortak yùrùtmesi gereken sosyal, kùltùrel ve bireysel sùreçlerin tùmùdùr. Eğitimin, tekâmùl sebebi olması her ferdin eĢit seviyede ona…
Author: GAZEL, Gülşen

The purpose of this paper is to highlight how the dreaminess occurs in the poetry of Petre Stoica, Charles Baudelaire and Paul Verlaine. The method of diacronics followed by the symbolic one, have been used in the scientific stage of the work.…
Author: Florentina, Ghita-Nica

After publishing the biligual Serbian-Ruthenian Dictionary (Српско-русински речник / Сербско-руски словнїк), in two volumes (Department of the Ruthenian Studies, 1995; Institute for Textbooks, Department of the Ruthenian Studies, 1997), the Julijan…
Author: Fejsa, Mihajlo

There is no uncertainty about the popularity of the Ottoman Turk in Early Modern Drama. This study will discuss the biased representations of and allusions made to the Ottoman Turk in several early modern plays, the whole of which exceeds 40 in …
Author: Esen, M. Fatih Karakuzu, Melih

Bu çalıĢmanın amacı; dilin anlam çerçevesinde yadsınamaz bir yeri olan çağrıĢımın, anlambilim içerisindeki yeri ve ônemini ortaya koyarak dili kullanan bireylerin kelimelerin farklı anlamlarını daha iyi kavramalarını, temel anlam dıĢındaki…
Author: Erden, Nazife Burcu

Orhun abideleri, Tùrk dili ve edebiyatının ilk yazılı kaynaklarıdır. Bu taĢlar, hem maddi hem de manevi bakımdan Tùrk dili, kùltùrù ve tarihinin en değerli anıtlarıdır. Gôktùrkler dôneminde ve Gôktùrkçe olarak yazılmıĢ kitabelerde gùnùmùze ıĢık…
Author: Emiroğlu, Selim

The research paper is dedicated to the process of foreign/second language acquisition in children and adults. The problem of foreign or second language acquisition is not only the research area of applied linguistics, but also psychology, …
Author: Eminli, Heydar

This paper presents the findings of a study of writing center tutorial practices in a Middle Eastern university where the language of instruction is English. Data from stimulated recall activities, written observations, and interviews were analyzed…
Author: Eleftheriou, Maria

Hassan‘s (1976) classification of these devices as personal, comparative, and demonstrative on the reading ability of the present study explored the role of learners‘ awareness of referential devices in texts based on Halliday and learners. To…
Author: Ebrahimpourtaher, Adel

Literature is one of the most important resources supporting the grammatical structure of English as a Foreign Language/as a Second Language ( EFL/ESL) learners as well as the linguistic components of English language, and thus literature help…
Author: ELKILIÇ, Gencer ERISEN, Gülşen KAYINTU, Ahmet KARACA, Harun
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