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  • Tags: PE English

Among teacher’s responsibilities in the classroom besides delivering quality teaching, treating all the students equally, is giving the learners the space to become creative, to enhance their problemsolving skills and give them the opportunity to…
Author: Osmani, Rufat

DO ORIGINS MATTER? Can awareness of these serve in the English-learning process? Modern English has evolved through the last 1500 years as a hybrid language (Crystal, D. 2004). The Angles the Saxons and the Danes all made important…
Author: Osborn, Katarina

Communication in a foreign language, as an inevitable component of modern human life, often makes speakers experience anxiety, which may sometimes lead to avoidance of communication. This paper explores whether the students of Italian language…
Author: Ordulj, Antonia Grabar, Ivana

Teaching English as a foreign language at university level is quite a different challenge compared to teaching high school or young non-native learners. This is due to the fact that university students are expected to acquire specific grammar…
Author: Okičić, Melisa Osmankadić, Merima

Learning a language through another language is trivialto any type of language learning whether it may be the learning of a local or a foreign language. In South Africa the country’s language policy for higher education recommends the study of…
Author: Nkuna, Paul

It is a general belief that students need to receive substantial input of authentic materials in FLT. The combination of verbal information, along with full visual experience such as it can be seen in a film, has been found most appealing. Not only…
Author: Nigoević, Magdalena Pejić, Koraljka Pejić, Trišnja

А number of socio-cultural factors such as distance, common ground, social status of the ironist and his/her interlocutor, as well as “the victim” of irony, have a very significant impact on the usage of verbal irony. This study focuses on various…
Author: Neshkovska, Silvana Lazarevska-Stanchevska, Jovanka

Portfolio has been in use from the past in other disciplines. But there are growing bodies of research which document its importance in foreign language teaching. The current study was implemented on selecting 91 undergraduate students passing their…
Author: Nemati, Azadeh

In this paper, I discuss J. M. Coetzee's novel Waiting for the Barbarians within the framework of postcolonial reality, but also try to show that it transcends that very postcolonial reality becoming, in this sense, a universal and general reality,…
Author: NJEGIĆ, Davor

Emerging different English accent varieties as a result of the recognition of English as a lingua franca all around the world has led many researchers in different contexts to explore the attitudes of the students towards their pronunciation. To…
Author: Mutlu, Gizem Bayram, Dilan
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