Biotechnology and Aquaculture in Sustainable Development

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Biotechnology and Aquaculture in Sustainable Development


Altunok , Muhammet


Aquaculture is the fastest growing food sector in the world with its increasing role for economy and safe food strategy of countries. Due to the continuing depletion of the fish stocks, farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants, is now a substantial global industry supplying a significant proportion of the aquatic products consumed. Shortage in food supply and high prices are the possible important risks in the future, and aquatic products are the valuable sources of protein and essential nutrient components for global food security and eliminating malnutrition. Aquaculture also plays an important role in rural economies through the creation of new employments. In these cases, aquaculture outputs will need to be enhanced several fold in order to meet the rising demands for fish and other aquatic products in coming years. Biotechnology options seem to be good potential for increasing aquacultural productivity, food security and environmental quality worldwide. Biotechnology is offering valuable options such as protein expression, microsatellite, gene mapping and genomic, DNA vaccines, DNA chips, proteomics, transgenic technology and embryonic stem cell technology. This technology provides genetic manipulations, molecular cloning, embryo manipulation, genetically-engineered diagnostics, immunoprophylactic agents. All of these applications could help improve the selective breeding, hybridization, productivity, health, growth, nutrition, cryopreservation and conservation of genetic resources in aquacultural stocks for the benefit of mankind. However, there is need for the regulation of biotechnology activities in terms of the potential adverse impacts on the environment and human health. There is also increasing concern about the impact of biotechnology on sustainable development in various fields. The main environmental safety issue of these applications is the effects of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on biodiversity and gene transfer in the environment. Therefore, this review discussed the integration of biotechnology and biosafety in aquaculture, and policies for the environmentally sound use and management of aquacultural biotechnology in sustainable development. Keywords: Biotechnology, Aquaculture, Sustainable Development, Food security, Public health


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