Leverage Effect of Marketing in Uncertainty Condition: Examination of ISE-100

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Leverage Effect of Marketing in Uncertainty Condition: Examination of ISE-100


TOP, Tulay


Economic sense of uncertainty / risk concept was started to use at the time of transition from traditional society to modern society. Uncertainty means, “the probability of events that adversely affect the economic decision makers' return on their decisions, in other words the situation that known the possibility of occurrence of events. Giddens distinguished the uncertainty into two parts. They’re “external risks” that originated from external, custom of tradition, or unchanging of nature; “produced risks” produced by absolute effect of developed information about the world. Realization possibility of external risks varies from year to year and cannot be predicted. However when the ignored risks are analyzed, it’s seen that the modern capitalism reckons the future profits and losses so it organizes future by uncertainties produced by itself, marginalizes and dominates the future. Multiplicity of produced risks almost keeps a barrage of metaphor the businesses. Even businesses provide against any uncertainty, in case of emergence of an unpredicted and coming from another side they can’t provide against it. With the economic crisis experienced businesses in Turkey started to attach importance to “how they provide against to crisis period” topic. For this a lot of precaution can be said like borrowing/un borrowing with currency or gold, project and confirmation before investing, rating criterion of banks etc. Namely management after crisis, management at the time of crisis and management after crisis is an issue that needs to be known and hold up as an example. In this study, it is aimed to investigate the difference between the company performance and marketing effectiveness by using ISE-100 data. To achieve this aim, first of all, kind of economic crisis and the crisis in turkey will be examined. At the last part, companies marketing and companies performances will be analyzed with the help of financial tables and by using ISE-100 data. On the earth surface, manufactured risks, not only affects the manufactured region but also effects the transnational. In this context, by considering the Turkey’s geopolitical and economic cooperation, the crisis in the Europe and in any other community, affects the ISE-100 firms. Contribution to the literature will be provided with the determination of the leverage effect of the companies which are traded in ISE-100 in uncertainty condition which are placed in Turkey. Keywords: Risk, Crisis, Turkey, ISE-100, Marketing, Company Performances.




ISSN 2303-4564


International Burch University





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