Capitalism system, actuality and problematic

Dublin Core


Capitalism system, actuality and problematic


DUÇI, Ejona


Since 1989, the year of the fall of the Berlin wall, ended the division of the world into two camps and at the same time marked the end of the communist system and the onset of capitalism. The word “capitalism” is often heard in modern time and serves to describe the current system in which we live .The aim of this paper is to examine the Capitalism System, its actuality and problematic. Secondary data were used from different sources and the data were analyzed to get conclusions and recommendations related to the topic. The study found out that in this system there are three main elements; profit, competition and rationality. The most important quality of capitalism is the idea of a free profit, snotty and without conditions. But on the other hand, this paper argued that: We cannot have capitalism without capitalists". This system therefore, has the idea of living in permanent benefit and provides over profit by a moving mechanism from new material production, new ways of transportation and new types of industrial organization, all of these are created by capitalist enterprises. Also it was discovered that there are four types of capitalism system for different countries in the world and after all there is a new economic model to improve Albanian economy, because the basis of this system is not man, but economic and political development and such material things that these provide. Orientation is toward mass production and the focus is to increase productivity. The study concluded that the present form of capitalism system in Albania had a lot of advantages but also many disadvantages and problematic that is of interest to be resolved. Some useful recommendations were made on how to improve this system in Albania. Keywords: capitalism, advantages, disadvantages, profit, competition and market.




ISSN 2303-4564


International Burch University





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