The Development of the Clean Technology Industry: A Conceptual Framework

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The Development of the Clean Technology Industry: A Conceptual Framework


Nir , Kshetri


The evolutionofanindustrychanges the competitive climate faced by individual firms as well as nations. Many analysts consider the clean technology (CT)industry as a game changer for businesses‘ and nations‘ competitiveness in the 21st century.From a theoretical standpoint, the CT industry contains many idiosyncraticfeatures, which affect the natures of entrepreneurial opportunities and roles in this industry. The issues of the evolution of the clean technology industry and nations‘ competitive advantages in this industry area critical but little-examined problem in the social science research. We contributetofilling this research gap with an analysis of the entrepreneurship in the global CT industry. Specifically, this paper proposes a framework to examine the development of the CT industry and assesses some major economies in terms of the major dimensions in the framework. We also present a case study of entrepreneurship in the Chinese CT industry. Keywords: Clean technology, disruptive innovations, solar cells, China, venture capital, externality mechanisms


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