Next Step Of Corporate Governance: Appreciative Inquiry In Corporate Governance

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Next Step Of Corporate Governance: Appreciative Inquiry In Corporate Governance


ÇiFTÇi, Münire


It was seen in the last decade that traditional management system and models cannot meet the needs of today. Crisis and scandals have proved the need for a more transparent and participatory structure. Governance met this need for a certain period of time and presented a more useful model. However through the end of 2000s negative effects of modern structures were seen; such as being quantitative and unnecessarily rational which make participants fear of doing wrong. In this case postmodern approaches came into agenda. One of them is appreciative inquiry approach based on realized successes and collective decisions. In this study, hybridization model is proposed for the concept of Governance, which has got some problems to harmonize with today’s conditions, with appreciative inquiry as a supportive updating. On this context “Appreciative Governance” concept is put forward as a theory. Keywords: Governance, Appreciative Inquiry, Appreciative Management Approaches, Appreciative Governance


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